Recent content by WingedFish

  1. WingedFish

    On of my chicks isn't growing at the same rate, is it normal?

    I kinda figured that. I guess since she isn't the only small breed in the group (there's also a Polish, who'll be about the same size) it seems weird. Not to mention I've had a Golden Campine before and she wasn't all that small (to my memory anyway, it's been a few years). But like you said she...
  2. WingedFish

    On of my chicks isn't growing at the same rate, is it normal?

    I have 8 chicks, all a week old and each a different breed. One is a Golden Campine, and she's still small while the others are almost twice her size. They've also got adult wing feathers already while you can barely see hers starting. She seems to be eating and drinking just fine, so is this...
  3. WingedFish

    I'm not feeding my chicks medicated feed, but I'm worried about coccidiosis. What do I do?

    So I just brought home a flock of eight chicks (a day or two old), and I'm feeding them non-medicated food (Dumor brand). But I worry about coccidiosis. So do I need to get medicated feed? Or can I just put a little dirt from outside into their pen (it's too cold to let them out, and they're too...
  4. WingedFish

    A shed with a tractor sharing space with chickens?

    Okay, here's the situation. My family is looking to get a 10X12 shed to put in the backyard. The thing is, we want to have a tractor for the grass, plus a space for chickens in the same building since we're trying to save money. The chickens (8 total, they'll arrive as day-olds in a week) will...
  5. WingedFish

    If I get chicks in March, when will it be safe to start taking them outside?

    If things go as planned, I will get day old chicks (standard sizes) in March. The question is, when is the age that I should start taking them outside and then completely move them outside? I'm based in Columbus, OH so the winter will start winding down by then.
  6. WingedFish

    So excited for next spring!

    We are moving into a better house this fall, and the best part is, I'll be able to have chickens! I have had chickens before on two separate occasions, but the first time they were completely free range and all got killed eventually, and the second time I had to give them away due to moving to a...
  7. WingedFish

    Does anyone know what she is?

    If it's not a he then she might have some Cornish in her, either that or some other heavy breed. But definitely a mix.
  8. WingedFish

    Meyer Hatchery questions?

    Yikes. I have seen several places around here on Craigslist (I'm slightly east of Columbus, OH) that look like they will be around next year. And one place said they have Crested Polish, which is the one I really want (it's my favorite breed). And I only want one of them and then three other...
  9. WingedFish

    Meyer Hatchery questions?

    I hear it thrown around in hatchery terms sometimes. It means extra chicks that are put in with your order (usually males) to keep the shipment warm.
  10. WingedFish

    Meyer Hatchery questions?

    That is what I have heard. But what I want to know is does Meyer charge more for shipping when the order is small? Because MPC charges an extra $30 or so when the order is around the minimum, which is rather pricy. So what I want to know is if Meyer's shipping for small orders are the same or...
  11. WingedFish

    Meyer Hatchery questions?

    I'm not getting chickens till next spring, but I figured I'd do a little research while I wait. So anyway, I've ordered from My Pet Chicken before (since you can order a few at a time and not need to have extras), and while I was satisfied with the service, the shipping price was rather...
  12. WingedFish

    The oddest teenager you ever heard of.

    When one hears about teenage boys, they think hard-rocking, crazy sports jocks. And yet, I'm a 16 year old guy who hates sports, rock music, and basically everything a normal guy likes! (With video games being the only exception). Instead, I have a burning passion for animal husbandry and...
  13. WingedFish

    My Pet Chicken

    I ordered from them 2 years ago. 6 female chicks, each a different breed. All made it alive and healthy. All were correctly sexed and were the right breeds. Not sure if I'd order from them again though because the price was steep!
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