Recent content by wionna1202

  1. wionna1202

    Wionna1202s Page

    Well, We are about 8 weeks into this. It has been an experience. I grew up on a Dairy farm, so I thought it would be easier than it really is, Chickens are fun, but Lots of work. . We had this little box built between 4 trees when we got here. We strapped it up with Chicken wire. I think it...
  2. wionna1202

    Wind Eggs

    "Wind Eggs" Can get a little closer to being a real egg. I have a Jersey Giant that was dirty on the butt. Kind of slimy actually. I caugth her and she seemed to vomet when I caught in the pen. When I checked out the vent, I had a similar "tube thing coming out. I Kind of knew what it...
  3. wionna1202

    My 4 1/2 week old NHRED has laid 2 thin shell fart eggs in a row!

    I found one the other day that wasn't even quite a full little egg. It was like the egg white, the thin slick stuff then a layer of "rubber like" shell that was attached to a tube where it came out the vent? VERY WIERD. I think another of my hens had one stuck in her vent today. I pulled it...
  4. wionna1202

    Help with MOSQUITOS!!! will it hurt

    Thanks for your imput. I just checked on my chickens tonight. They are miserable I think. I keep hearing them step around. I am going to work on getting POWER out to my coop so I can get a box fan.
  5. wionna1202

    Help with MOSQUITOS!!! will it hurt

    Ok, I went into the Coop tonight to shut down the doors, do my head count, and just check up on everyone. We have had tons of rain here in Florida this time of year and when I Went into the Coop; There staring back at me, and all around the chickens, were thousands of MOSQUITOS. Will my...
  6. wionna1202

    Question about bedding!!

    be carefull using hard wood. I don't use it because I have been told this and get nervous that when a chicken jumps down they can jab their feet with the wood and cause sores.
  7. wionna1202

    Mites/lice...I need help!

    !!!!! We just got 2 new hens to add to our flock today. They have been with our flock for a day. I put Duramycin in the water thinking just in case. I was so DUMB being a newbie and thinking everyone takes as good care as I do. I should have checked the chickens before I brought them...
  8. wionna1202

    OK, Sevin dust, is it good or not?!

    You can still buy it at TSC stores
  9. wionna1202


    Oh, and one other thing I took your advice on getting a few more Hens. I guess I am still going to have to sell, give away or something some of the roosters. I just can't have many more chickens. 15 is what I am up too now. I don't know though... Maybe more... It is addictive. I did get a...
  10. wionna1202


    rodriguezpoultry Thank you so much!!!! you have helped me so much. I love this website!
  11. wionna1202


    I have so many questions. I have looked all over the site using the search and i get all the answers that I am not looking for, but lots of good info.!!!! I first want to start with leg color. What does that have to do with breed? Bantams? Why so many breeds under this sub-set? I guess I...
  12. wionna1202

    Can you tell sex by saddle feathers?

    Ok, this is a very interesting thread. I am such a newbe. I got 2 adults chickens, (1 roo, 1 hen). So I wanted more, Got 2 older chicks, Think they are both hens. ( but now i question my Polish) So, I still wanted more. Went to TSC food, and fell in love with the day old chicks there got 6...
  13. wionna1202

    Worming chickens..........

    OK. this is all new to me. Chicken NEWBE here. First what is DE Second. Where do you get all these "dewormers" the Vet, or the Farm store such as TSC? Sorry for such dumb questions, but I keep reading DE and what not, and I search for an Answer, and only find More statements to use it...
  14. wionna1202

    fire ants

    Hi from EAST Naples. We have TONS OF FIRE ANTS! I need help. We have always used the stuff from home depot, but I was thinking I can't put it down any longer due to the chickens. We are very new to chickens, and ours were out for the first time yesterday. Free rangeing for the first time...
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