Recent content by Wolfsbane

  1. Wolfsbane

    Shaking rooster

    Thank you :hugs
  2. Wolfsbane

    Shaking rooster

    Thank you, I'm rinsing all the feed in the morning now right before I feed and checked around the pen for any poisonous plants. going to block the pond off for a few days so I can investigate there as well. So far nobody else is showing any signs of anything but I've set alarms so I will get up...
  3. Wolfsbane

    Shaking rooster

    Oh and I am in Ontario in the GTA
  4. Wolfsbane

    Shaking rooster

    Hi thank you for responding, unfortunately, he passed away minutes after I posted this topic. His croup felt normal and he didn't seem dehydrated so I suppose maybe he ate something he should not have as they have about 1/2 an acre or more to wander. I'm going to save the body and see if I can...
  5. Wolfsbane

    Shaking rooster

    My rooster Iapetus was laying on the shelf under the perch this morning shaking like a leaf and unable to stand, he was on the opposite side of where he was sleeping last night. His symptoms: Full body shaking Weak legs he can't use them at all Louder breathing One eye has a little frothy foam...
  6. Wolfsbane

    Sick rooster

    Well Albus is still alive, I'm syringe feeding him vitamins and yogurt and he was able to stand a bit this morning but his head is still stuck to the side and I have to hold it straight so he can swallow properly.
  7. Wolfsbane

    What defines a good rooster?

    Thank you:) I don't really even notice the crowing that much, the neighbors all say they like the sound of it but we have a bit of distance and trees between everyone's houses so that helps. Some roosters crow more than others as well.
  8. Wolfsbane

    Sick rooster

    I'm so worried I'll lose more but so far everyone else seems normal. Agreed, they are just as important as any other pet to me, I cannot kill and eat them because they are my feather babies.:love
  9. Wolfsbane

    Sick rooster

    Yeah, I was not expecting it at all, his mate Fern is very upset and is standing next to the gate like she's waiting for him to come back, I'm hoping she survives since often ducks just waste away after their mate has died.:hit
  10. Wolfsbane

    Homing Instinct

    Probably a good idea to let him get a bit bigger then, older hens will always pick on a young rooster a bit but they do get over that pretty quickly once he's bigger.
  11. Wolfsbane

    Sick rooster

    So I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the rooster but last night I found one of my ducks dead, I let them out to free range for an hour and a half before dark and I found him under a pine tree flat on his back neck stretched out, he has no markings of an attack, his neck was not broken...
  12. Wolfsbane

    Help! Chick with foot problem!

    It looks like the start of bumblefoot, here is an article about it that you might find useful I have had very limited success in the past at getting rid of it on my hens and ducks so hopefully, someone else with more knowledge on the matter comes...
  13. Wolfsbane

    weird neck movement

    It looks almost as though she's got something caught in her throat, maybe try feeding her scrambled eggs with oil on it to help things move along? and avoid grains and hard food for a few days.
  14. Wolfsbane

    Will Crows kill chickens?

    I have wild crows who walk around with my grazing ducks and chickens, so far they have never attacked they just seem to ignore them, I let them eat the chicken corn because they scare away the hawks and owls who like to kill my hens. It seems a lot of you have had problems with them but perhaps...
  15. Wolfsbane

    New Coop

    That looks really cool! great idea to recycle and playset like that.:thumbsup
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