Recent content by Wraith

  1. Wraith

    Question about electric fencing and weather

    Will an electric fence not kill a chicken? I have a know it all buddy who says it will, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's wrong...again. Good luck against the foxes.
  2. Wraith


    That would be a dream come true. My dog looks at the chickens like they are dinner.
  3. Wraith

    A Hawk on Our Coop (pics)

    Is it true they are afraid of owls and an owl statue will keep them away? Will owls harm chickens and would the owl statue scare the chickens? Just asking. We have a big owl in our woods that calls around 5:45 AM until 6:30 AM.
  4. Wraith

    Who will guard the flock?

    Quote: Be prepared to keep losing animals. A dog could help, but it's not foolproof.
  5. Wraith

    A Hawk on Our Coop (pics)

    That is a fine looking coop. We have hawks around here, but since we got chickens I haven't seen one. My wife is getting slack and lets the chickens out to run in the yard without staying with them. They go under the shed a lot, so she figures they are safe. I figure it's a matter of time until...
  6. Wraith


    If you don't like the antifreeze, just shoot it.
  7. Wraith

    Was it murder? Dead duck inquiry...

    Opossums are brazen. We had one in our yard when I was a kid and my dad shot near it to scare it off. It just made a mean look and showed its teeth. Never understood why he didn't go ahead and shoot it because it almost bit me. It would come up on the back porch and when I went out to get would...
  8. Wraith


    Antifreeze works wonders...
  9. Wraith

    Who will guard the flock?

    Quote: Anything from a .22 up should take care of the problem. Just lie in wait, get a good site picture, and squeeze the trigger. It works like magic.
  10. Wraith

    What is DE!

    What would this do to fire ants? Would it be an effective treatment or would it just kill the ones that come out of the nest and leave the rest unharmed?
  11. Wraith

    MILK SNAKES! AHHHH maybe graphic

    If it's not poisonous, don't kill it. Unless you want to. It's your property and no one can tell you what to do on your own piece of land. It can be snake holocaust if you want it to be.
  12. Wraith

    Advice on keeping a grassy run

    After they deplete all the grass, just resod it. Rinse, repeat. It's just not cost effective.
  13. Wraith

    Floor of outdoor chicken run This lovely xeriscape pond would be my ideal for a duck habitat. Looks great, now just imagine it covered in duck poo. I've always wanted some indian runners, myself. As far as runs, I suppose 5 hens will tear the 800 sq ft of...
  14. Wraith

    NOW it's a SKUNK!!

    Aim for the head.
  15. Wraith


    I saw a video on you tube where a cat would get in the chicken coop at night and sleep with a hen, then leave the next morning. It was strictly plutonic, but pretty funny.
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