Recent content by WTurner

  1. WTurner

    Chicken feathers stripped - what is causing this?

    Yes it was his mate, we moved her in with another flock and he is now very slowly beginning to in prove.
  2. WTurner

    Male or female and breed

    Thank you by the way . We went to our very first ever auction we were so excited to get some unique girls... We came home with 4 Roos (but told they were hens), leg mites, some kind of infection (sneezing etc. ) and worse of all mareks disease, in which we lost a very loved Sebright. . We...
  3. WTurner

    Male or female and breed

    These are the same birds, the other one I will post tomorrow has a very large tall comb but otherwise looks identical so I assume another male? And are they Wayndottes mixed I assume? The don't look pure to me.
  4. WTurner

    Wing Feathers stripped bare

    Thank you very much but I just don't think this is it.... There is no feather loss at all, his feathers are very full they are just sheared off like a brush cut.... Except on his wings which is new over the last week.
  5. WTurner

    Male or female and breed

    When we fist got them
  6. WTurner

    Male or female and breed

    We were told these were Silver laced Wayndotte hens. There are 2 of them this one and another I am trying to find a picture that is identical except has quite a large comb and wattles. They are both very large and big eaters.
  7. WTurner

    Wing Feathers stripped bare

    I can't seem to find the specific lice you are talking about I guess as there are no signs on him of lice or eggs? It is quite uniform. Do you have any links you can share? Also not sure what you mean by peepers? Thank you!
  8. WTurner

    Wing Feathers stripped bare

    Interesting his mate seems to have the prettiest feathers at this point. We have them together but separate from the flock right now, so we are wactching closely... Any suggestions if it is her?
  9. WTurner

    Wing Feathers stripped bare

    From what I am seeing it doesn't fit. There are no signs of mites or lice, his skin is pink and healthy.
  10. WTurner

    Wing Feathers stripped bare

    I will research thank you.... But he is the only one like, I would assume lice would spead? And I have looked him over from top to bottom and gave scene nothing.
  11. WTurner

    Wing Feathers stripped bare

    Yes he is with several. But he is defiantly to Roo of the coop?
  12. WTurner

    Wing Feathers stripped bare

    This is our Red Pyle Old English Roo. This is how he looked a couple of months ago. Here he is now!! All his body feathers appear shaved short. His wings are bare??? I've read about mice but he sleeps up high.... Help please.
  13. WTurner

    Chicken feathers stripped - what is causing this?

    Here is how he looked not that long ago.
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