Recent content by Xmade

  1. Xmade

    Mallard Ducks

    Hi I put 24 Mallard duck eggs in a Incubator, and they all hatch yesterday, but one have a different color, it is normal?? I dont have white ducks, so i dont understand why this one have this color!!
  2. Xmade

    Male or Female?

    1 year
  3. Xmade

    Comment by 'Xmade' in article 'The Chicken Castle'

    Beautiful, i love it, great job ;-)
  4. Xmade

    Male or Female?

    Hello, can anyone help identify if these birds are male or female or both are
  5. Xmade


    Hello, I try to explain what I do with my incubator, which is not this, but it also forced air. When placing the temperature in the incubator for example 37.7, the temperature at the top of it will be more or less at this point, but in the forced air incubator, the heat is pushed down, the level...
  6. Xmade


    Hello, I need a little help, I have a broody hen is already two weeks ago on the eggs every day she goes outside for a bit to eat and drink, and make poo today I noticed these parasites in poop. Is there any home remedy that can give for deworming? thank you
  7. Xmade

    The new house

    Thanks :-)
  8. Xmade

    The new house

    Made a new house for my chckens, and they love it
  9. Xmade

    The new babies

    A clip of my new buttom quail babies
  10. Xmade

    The new babies

    Yes, here in Portugal we called Coderniz da China, and i wrote Japanese, sorry
  11. Xmade

    The new babies

    Hello, yes she did.
  12. Xmade

    The new babies

    One couple of my Button quails finally start to lay eggs, and after 18 days this beautiful yellow tinny things show up, 8 new babies
  13. Xmade

    My rooster

  14. Xmade

    A little help please

    My two babies after a month in my house
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