Recent content by xoxLEESExox

  1. xoxLEESExox

    RIP Tilley My Very First Chicken 8/13 -6/18

    So sorry! Truly, I feel your sorrow. We had to let go of Myrtle (that’s her in my pic) this morning.
  2. xoxLEESExox

    Need Help! Aftermath of Fly Strike?

    Sadly, this will be the last update on Myrtle. Although it seemed like she was slowly getting better, I think it was wishing hoping on my part. I think what was going on is that I was just making her as comfortable as possible without realizing it. On Saturday I thought putting her on the...
  3. xoxLEESExox

    Behavior problems

    Ugh.. I feel your pain (no pun intended!!) ... My chickens free range and I'm always barefoot. Now that the grass is coming in, I guess my toes in the grass look like grubs to them. When I go outside to throw some scratch down there are two that come running for my toes!!
  4. xoxLEESExox

    Need Help! Aftermath of Fly Strike?

    Update on Myrtle: So last night, I figured I would sit on the deck and sit her in my lap to feed / water her and massage her legs. I took her out of the sling and placed her on the deck so I sit. She started flapping her wings trying to position herself .. even though her toes weren't curled...
  5. xoxLEESExox

    Newbie here, help me with gender!!

    Sorry for sounding stupid @Farmer Connie but how can you tell? I’m new to all this
  6. xoxLEESExox

    New to chickens in Illinois

    Hi @MidwestMatthew! I recently joined also (after lurking for a long time!) .. we started our chicken journey when we lived in a rented house with not a lot of ground. Our girls made short order of the grass we built their coop on! Now that we moved, our 11 girls free range on about 2 acres and...
  7. xoxLEESExox

    My baby girl is very sick!!!!!

    Hi Ragna... so sorry to hear about your girl. I’m new here so unfortunately I don’t have any knowledge or advice to share but wanted to reach out to find out how she was doing!
  8. xoxLEESExox

    Long Time Reader...Now A Member!

    Thanks @drumstick diva !! Here’s the thing... I grew up in Philadelphia but always had a country soul... my family, especially my mom, are perplexed that I live in the country and have chickens that I don’t eat! One time, Marie came through the doggy door and went into the bathroom while my mom...
  9. xoxLEESExox

    Long Time Reader...Now A Member!

    Thanks @penny1960! Keeping them oars in the water!! LoL
  10. xoxLEESExox

    Long Time Reader...Now A Member!

    Thanks @Pork Pie Ken ! I’ve been fortunate to never have a sick girl before. I’ve lost a few over the years due to age, hawks or owls but never had an illness. I have to say that everyone has been so kind and so helpful! Kind of makes it less stressful to know there’s a place to ask questions...
  11. xoxLEESExox

    Long Time Reader...Now A Member!

    Thanks so much @Unexpected chicken lover ! I appreciate the warm welcome
  12. xoxLEESExox

    Need Help! Aftermath of Fly Strike?

    @Wyorp Rock I definitely did make a “poop shoot” (as my husband calls it... and I also put a puppy pee wee pad at the bottom of the basket for easier clean up. It also makes it easier to see its... um... “condition”... LOL! Her poo looked normal so I was encouraged by that. One thing I did...
  13. xoxLEESExox

    Need Help! Aftermath of Fly Strike?

    Thank you Wyorp and Birds of a Feather! She was a good layer up until she got sick. I did feel around her for any lumps, bumps and abnormalities but nothing. The fly strike was under her vent and up towards her underside. Thankfully that appears to be healing nicely. I did a LOT of reading...
  14. xoxLEESExox

    Long Time Reader...Now A Member!

    Hi everyone!! A little over 4 years ago when my husband told me he wanted to raise chickens I thought he had lost his mind! Now, he thinks I lost my mind because I treat them the same as I do my dogs and cat! How fun they are! We have 11 and each one has a different personality, likes and...
  15. xoxLEESExox

    Need Help! Aftermath of Fly Strike?

    Thank you, Oldhenlikesdogs! All our hens are the same breed and so far the other girls are fine. I thought that maybe her legs are getting stiff from being on them... she’s starting to get red on her elbows even though I have her on a soft surface. When I checked on her tonight (I attached a...
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