Recent content by xoxomylaydees

  1. xoxomylaydees

    Chickens and Loud Noises

    Hey there, They will be fine. It will take a week or so. As long as they aren't hiding in nesting area, I would assume they will adjust. I just went through it for 2 years with a subdivision being built where a growers field used to be behind me. You might notice they make different noises or...
  2. xoxomylaydees

    Roo is headed to the chopping block

    So sorry for the hard situation you are in :( What about rehoming him??? Hes a good Roo. I have a awesome Roo for my hen's but not nice to me. He see's me as a threat, I always have to show him everyday Im the boss. I almost got rid of him, surprised found many homes for him. But decided to...
  3. xoxomylaydees

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    Hi Everyone, Enjoy see all the beautiful silkie's :) I have been a first time(chicken)...silkie.... owner for about 4months now. I have a 6month rooster and hen, and a 1 1/2 year old hen. I would like to add 2 or so more silkie hens to the group , but Im not sure at what age the youngs ones...
  4. xoxomylaydees

    First timer with a broody silkie- she acting crazy !!! HELP!!!

    In case anyone reads this, Update on my broody silkie. After 21days, I put her in a wire large kennel/cage, all open and up on blocks with water and food. I covered the cage at nite with a sheet for her sanity and safety. Bottom of cage still off ground, air for cooling her. During the afternoon...
  5. xoxomylaydees

    dirty bottom girl... problem or just getting a little???

    I have never answered my own question, but I read on another site that my Lily with the dirty bottom might have lice or mites. I checked her and it look like she may have a lice..... a long straw colored bug. Not a lot of them, in fact I only found 3, but im off the the feed store for treatment...
  6. xoxomylaydees

    dirty bottom girl... problem or just getting a little???

    Hi everyone, I have a 1 year old white silkie(Lily) hen that lays eggs everyday. She seems to have a dirty bottom, not bad, most the time. Its just at the tips of her feathers. It doesnt look like poop, just a litty wet and dirty. My other hen, is only 5 months and doesnt lay, and her bottom is...
  7. xoxomylaydees

    First timer with a broody silkie- she acting crazy !!! HELP!!!

    Thank you for your response, I am trying to taylor what I do to what I think she needs. She doesnt have as server symtoms as some but is limiting herself to just the coop unless I push her out to eat. She stays out for about 15min -30, eating , dirt bath and scratching and grooming herself, but...
  8. xoxomylaydees

    First timer with a broody silkie- she acting crazy !!! HELP!!!

    I want to first say thanks to everyone for the help the last few weeks with advice for my broody silkie. Lily. In the hopes she would come out of her brood on her own, its been 23days and I put her in a wire (lrg dog)kennel with nothing but food and water. She has been pacing and clucking...
  9. xoxomylaydees

    constantly broody cochin

    Hi there, Newbie I dont have any advice...sorry....I actually have a broody silkie(my first time) but Her, I dont know. I was wondering how you got your chickens to stop. I got her 2 months ago, shes about 1yr old. It will be 3wks this sat. I make her get out once a day to eat and...
  10. xoxomylaydees

    First timer with a broody silkie

    The egg I collected 6 days ago was not fertilized. The 7-8 day old egg she is laying on doesnt smell. I will put a candle under it at about ten days, if I still cant tell, cuz, I have no idea what it should look I will let her stay on it til 21 or so days. Then go from there i guess...
  11. xoxomylaydees

    First timer with a broody silkie

    silkies are known for broodiness, if she is taking short breaks its most likely she is just broody, not fertilized egg? and by letting her lay on this one egg, it will help her get through it? or should I take the egg and push her off the nest. She gets off if is push her. I can also close...
  12. xoxomylaydees

    First timer with a broody silkie

    Yes she sits as far as I know 24/7...i put food and water up with her and when I went to check last wednesday under her for how many eggs.. she stood up slowly, walked in a trance, then jumped out of hutch and ate ,scractch and dirt bath, acted normal for about 10 min, then went...
  13. xoxomylaydees

    First timer with a broody silkie

    Newbie here...My silkie hen(Lilly) is approx 1yr, I have had her about 6wks. She has been laying an egg almost everyday. Beautiful healthy ...yummy eggs!! I have a young(unexpected) rooster , he is only 41/2months. I was gone last weekend( Friday-Sat) and didnt collect eggs til Sunday afternoon...
  14. xoxomylaydees

    4 month old Silkie/Bantam Rooster-Aggressive behavior towards ME.

    I am a newbie,... so not sure what I should do about my Lucy who is now Luke..... I have had him other two hens since they were 6wks. I look at them as pets with perks "eggs" However last month Lucy is now Luke,(crowing) which was fine, love him no matter what, but he has become aggressive to...
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