Recent content by xXchickenkeeper

  1. xXchickenkeeper

    Lost chicken!

    Yah lol Right when i brought her home I put her in the run and plop! there was egg........ her first egg since I bought her And i gave it to the neighbors LOL i really wanted to eat her first egg! but sometimes chickens just want to let the people who let them go into their garage to have...
  2. xXchickenkeeper

    Lost chicken!

    yahwe fund her! My other chicken charcoal ran off today but I got her! found her in the neighbors garage I had a really fun time cleaning up her "thank yous"
  3. xXchickenkeeper

    Run away hens

    (this is so everyone can post stuff about when their hen ran off when they found her or if you have tips on how to find run away hens ect. ) It has only been three days since I have got my two hens Nugget (Golden nugget not chicken nugget) and (for my sister) Charcoal When i first got back...
  4. xXchickenkeeper

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Quote: 2 eggs But i only have two hens ready for laying so its all good I just got them too! family of 9 , four chickens of which two love to run away and 3 Guinea pigs also 1 dog
  5. xXchickenkeeper

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    LOL I just pictured that in my head!
  6. xXchickenkeeper

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Yah! my sexlinks Love them! even if they are mushy they will run after it like a two year old runs for ice cream! My girls like grapes to but now as mch as the blue berries
  7. xXchickenkeeper

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    My little girls LOVE blue berries and grapes
  8. xXchickenkeeper

    Lost chicken!

    I just got her yesterday and she wasn't really in love with the coop.... Her old owner didn't own any roosters so i don't think she went broody Just a while ago one of my neighbors kids spotted her walking down the street but he didn't try to catch her.... Me and my mother ran over their as fast...
  9. xXchickenkeeper

    Lost chicken!

    I don't think that now though!
  10. xXchickenkeeper

    Lost chicken!

    yah I have a chicken run for them but Nugget and charcoal where free range chickens when i bought them and so are my other tow little girls Ember and toffee so i thought it wouldn't be fair to Nugget if she had to stay in the run while the rest of the small flock wheir outside walking where ever...
  11. xXchickenkeeper

    Lost chicken!

    Thats okay to laugh my dad and mom where quaking up saddly I still haven't found her yet, My neighborhood is pretty small but its right next to a semi busy street And i realll hope I can find her before nightfall because coyotes have been eating my neighbors cats and I really wouldn't like my...
  12. xXchickenkeeper

    Lost chicken!

    Hey guys Great news! My brother found Nugget! (if you dont remember its my golden chicken) She was in one of my neighbors front yard and we where just driving around looking out the windows when Brother: CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!! *jumps out of car and runs off* Me: What!? where????????? *jumps...
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