Recent content by xxIsabellaxx

  1. xxIsabellaxx

    My new Buff Cochin Pullet!

    I was exhibiting at a poultry expo and i decided to buy a Buff Cochin pullet, her name is June Bug and she is very sweet. I told my self i wasn't going to get another feather legged bird but i did.
  2. xxIsabellaxx

    The problem continues...

    Also my mom just told me she checked on her and she said her breathing sounded kind of like a rattling sound. could it be pnuemonia?
  3. xxIsabellaxx

    The problem continues...

    No she wasn't. she was a very heavy bird to begin with. but right before she died she was very light.
  4. xxIsabellaxx

    Fox Question

    yesturday I saw a red fox right near my chicken coop on the other side of the fence and i was wondering, can foxes reach through chicken wire? i know racoons can. but iwas just wondering because my coop is totally enclosed also with wire buried about five feet. This is my coop...
  5. xxIsabellaxx

    The problem continues...

    I recently had one of my chickens pass away, she was not her self and died from some kind of seizure. Her symptoms were drooping tail, lathargic, always closing her eyes, and leaky fluid coming from her vent. So today i was feeding my horses and i went to collect the eggs from my coops and...
  6. xxIsabellaxx

    Do any of your chickens chase birds?

    My silkie bantam hen loves to chase Robins out of bushes and it's really cute when she does it but i was wondering if anyone else have experienced that?
  7. xxIsabellaxx

    What kind of breed is my chicken

    She has Bright yellow legs. Heres a full body picture it's not that great she's the big white one in the front next to the brahma
  8. xxIsabellaxx

    What kind of breed is my chicken

    I'm guessing she's a mix.
  9. xxIsabellaxx

    Emercengy! Sick 4 year old hen with clear fluid coming out her mouth!

    Quote: I'm sorry. It does sound like she's dying. That's how they act when they're dying. Just talk to her, it probably won't be long til she passes on her own. Yeah she died a fewminutes after the seizure thing.
  10. xxIsabellaxx

    UPDATE! Sick 4 year old hen with clear fluid coming out her

    Wings Just Passed away a few minutes ago she had some kind of seizure. RIP Wings 2008-2011.
  11. xxIsabellaxx

    Emercengy! Sick 4 year old hen with clear fluid coming out her mouth!

    Thanks for the replies, she did have ecoli back in July. But my mom just moved her to a big cage and said she had a seizure type thing and she laying flat on her chest with her wings out and she is very weak.
  12. xxIsabellaxx

    Emercengy! Sick 4 year old hen with clear fluid coming out her mouth!

    Today my mom and i noticed that my 4 1/2 year old White rock hen, Wings was not acting like herself. She had ecoli over the summer and hasn't really bounced back and today she was just standing by herself under a bush. She has lost a lot of weight and doesn't lay eggs, she is also having bright...
  13. xxIsabellaxx

    HELP! White Rock with small worms, purple vent area, srange breathing.

    Help My 4 year old White plymouth rock hen, is breathing abnormaly, laying down , and has a purple vent area. My mom found small worms sticking out of her vent. I just lost my rhode island red yesturday and i'm hoping i don't lose her.
  14. xxIsabellaxx

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    My baby girl, Speckles. She lays Large Green Eggs. She's skiddish but i love her.
  15. xxIsabellaxx


    Thanks for the support everyone. We had the vet come out this morning and when she put the needle in Lucy got scared and banged her head on the table before she injected the medicine. So we think she died from that but we gave her the medcine just to make sure she wouldn't wake up.
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