Recent content by yellowrose

  1. yellowrose

    Newbie from Northwest Iowa :-)

    Hi Ashley, I'm near Maquoketa. Where in Iowa are you? I have Welsumer, Ameraucan, and Cuckoo Marans. Also Ancona Ducks and Shetland Geese. Also raise Guinea Hogs and sell piglets and pork. This year I am getting involved in the area farmer's market to sell eggs, pork and produce. Hope you...
  2. yellowrose

    Matted Angora Rabbit...

    I have French Angoras. Sometimes they get mats on their bellies and behind the ears. If it is tight and close to the skin I use sharp pointy craft scissors to nip into the mat. Then I use a small doggy grooming comb to gently pick at it. Occasionaly I need to cut it out... but careful not to...
  3. yellowrose

    Dont forget the animal swap in Freeport Illinois this Saturday!!!!

    can you tell me when the 2012 meets will be???
  4. yellowrose

    Guinea Hog Owners or want-to-be owners?

    These are my 3 Little Pigs! They are about 10lb heavier than when this picture was taken. Also their hair is longer and thicker. They will follow me to the end of the earth as long as I keep shaking the grain in the bucket!
  5. yellowrose

    Guinea Hog Owners or want-to-be owners?

  6. yellowrose

    Guinea Hog Owners or want-to-be owners?

    This web site has some good information on them and better pictures than I can supply.... but I will try to post my pic. I am trying to find my 3 a new home.
  7. yellowrose

    Guinea Hog Owners or want-to-be owners?

    If you live in Illinois and raise Guinea hogs... send me a PM.
  8. yellowrose

    Who's Incubating in Nov. 2011 ?

    My Shetland Geese are laying which really surprised me! I colleced and am incubating 6 eggs. The first was found Nov 9th... then the next on Nov 14th then about 2 days apart there after. The will hatch out staggered... but I can move them to a different incubators when lock down comes time...
  9. yellowrose

    Does Anyone Have A Good Oyster Dressing They Are Willing To Share??

    I make it every year. I get whole oysters from the market. Either canned or fresh frozen. I use 6-8 oysters to every loaf of bread I use. I have made it for 20+ I am a bit haphazard with my reciep... but here goes. Start by making plain dressing. loaf of shredded bread (I save...
  10. yellowrose

    Eggs were lost in mail for 6 days!!

    What would it hurt to incubate them for a few days and see if any develop. At this point you have nothing to loose and maybe something to gain. Let us know in a few days!
  11. yellowrose

    shetland goose

    iajewel.... how did you come get this information?
  12. yellowrose

    Shetland Geese

    I aquired a lovely adult pair this summer. I enjoy them very much. The original owner purchased them from Holderreads as goslings 2 yrs ago. This has been my experience so far. They are quiet and calm, more so than the ducks! I like this about them. Friendly, but not cuddly. They will stay...
  13. yellowrose

    shetland goose

    Forgot to mention .... they have blue eyes and pinkish beaks and feet.
  14. yellowrose

    shetland goose

    Hi. I recently aquired a lovely pair of Shetland geese for a very fair price. So far my experience has been that they wonderful curious and sweet personality. They don't make much noise and seem stay calm. They prefer grazing around the yard to eating the grains I put out for them. I am...
  15. yellowrose

    Illinois traders!!!!

    Thanks to those who replied about my goslings.... I found them a home this weekend! YIPPEE
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