Recent content by ZakFriedman

  1. ZakFriedman

    What is this chicken thinking?

    Pass me the bottle and no one gets hurt.
  2. ZakFriedman

    Finally got a username

    Thank you all for the warm welcome. And Sunflour, to grow wheatgrass for them I just put the wheat berries in a pot of garden soil and water it for a few days. Then I either tilt the pot against their coop or pick some leaves and hand feed them. If you leave the base the leaves will grow back in...
  3. ZakFriedman

    Finally got a username

    Hey, I'm Zak and I've been reading this site for a couple years, but never bothered getting a membership before. I currently have eight chickens (two RIR, two barred rocks, an Easter Egger, a Buff Orpington, and two Wyandotts). They all just turned two. They used to have acres to roam, but now...
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