Recent content by ziggywiggy

  1. ziggywiggy

    Bourbon Red turkeys sick and dying

    Sounds like poison or some type of poison berry to me. Any neighbors putting rat or gopher poison out? Pyracanthra (sorry about spelling) are poisonus. They are the plants with the little orange berries.
  2. ziggywiggy

    Perhaps I've Had Enough

    I know exactly what you're saying. My last listing on craig's list was something like this. "Six Midget Whites for sell 6 weeks old only 10.00 each because they are driving me crazy." I have 20 turkeys now and as soon as possible I will butcher and sell all but three. Next year I will raise 6...
  3. ziggywiggy

    Acclimation - Very protective hen

    Yes. They stay protective for several months.
  4. ziggywiggy

    Acclimation - Very protective hen

    Your hen is just being protective. It is a sign of a good hen. Six weeks is a little young to put in with other fowl in my opinion and I would not remove them from the hen. Why do you want to put them with other birds?
  5. ziggywiggy

    turkeys wont go on the roost

    Quote: Isn't this a response?
  6. ziggywiggy

    I LOVE this forum but...

    Quote: I had to get rid of mine because they were climbing on my neighbors truck admiring themselves (or trying to fight) in the windows. Also, there are some very opinionated people in this forum. I've seen some pretty knock down drag out wars.
  7. ziggywiggy

    My hen is started sitting at night, when do I start counting down days

    Quote: Yes, take the eggs when she gets off. Make sure your incubator is ready. You don't want to be waiting for the incubator. It depends on how many eggs she leaves as to how long you incubate them. I have a hen that started setting on 12 and now she has 15 so I mark my eggs. If I see a new...
  8. ziggywiggy

    My hen is started sitting at night, when do I start counting down days

    That is a good question and a hard one to answer with any accuracy, but I think like dogfish. Just be prepared for a 3 or four day difference in hatching times between eggs. In other words, have an incubator ready when poults start hatching because she might leave the nest before they are all...
  9. ziggywiggy

    Is 50 degrees outside too cold for 6 week old turkeys?

    I agree. Bring them in tonight.
  10. ziggywiggy

    Getting my first poults

    Chicks can brood with turkeys. Just ask her. Yes, they can eat chick starter but, I would feed Game Bird or Turkey starter if you can find it. Sorry, I have to edit this. Three weeks is too old to place together.
  11. ziggywiggy

    How do I brood baby turkeys?

    I'd put a couple of the chicks back in with the poults for additional warmth and the chicks will motivate the poults to eat and drink. Poults do better with a higher protien starter assuming your not already feeding higher protien to your meaties but, I've done well with chick starter. I try and...
  12. ziggywiggy

    Something eating my free range bourbon red turkey eggs PLease HELP

    Lots of things eat turkey eggs. Dogs, skunks, opossum, racoons. I even eat them.
  13. ziggywiggy

    What do you feed your turkeys?

    I feed mine the same thing I feed my chickens. Layer pellets. Poults get turkey starter.
  14. ziggywiggy

    Turkeys and Chickens together...

    Actually, for the perfectionist in the forum, the protozoa is found in cecal worms (another parisite) whose eggs(which carry the protozoan) can be dormant in the soil for years. The eggs are digested by earth worms (and other organisms that live in the soil) and then eaten by chickens. The...
  15. ziggywiggy

    Turkey got out

    I would.
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