Recent content by ZooAtHome

  1. ZooAtHome

    Newly hatched chick weak and shaky

    I had to assist a chick hatching yesterday, after incubating under a broody hen. I successfully got him out of the shell, but he was very weak and shaky. I put him under mama with the two chicks that hatched on their own and hoped for the best. This morning when I checked on them, he was...
  2. ZooAtHome

    Question regarding barred genetics and chick color

    For anyone who might be following this, I got a closer look at both babies and they actually both have feathered legs. The feathers are just really, really tiny. That means my BCM cross sired them both. Thanks for all the help!
  3. ZooAtHome

    Question regarding barred genetics and chick color

    Yeah, I had considered that as well. The big difference between the two cockerels is one is barred, the other has feathered legs. I just wasn't sure if non-barred chicks would be black (answer - yes) or if feather legs were dominant (answer - most of the time). So, any barred chicks definitely...
  4. ZooAtHome

    Question regarding barred genetics and chick color

    Chicks or cockerels? My BCM cross cockerel has feathered legs, the CCL does not. I did not see feathered legs on the one chick I got my hands on. I have not yet seen the legs on the other one. I didn't even realize there were two the first time I checked. (It was before dawn and before coffee...
  5. ZooAtHome

    Question regarding barred genetics and chick color

    They were supposed to be, but somehow I ended up with a Black Copper Marans cross cockerel without any barring. I talked to the folks at the hatchery and they said it happens in less than 2% of their chicks. He looks like an over-melanized BCM cockerel. That's what I thought, regarding the...
  6. ZooAtHome

    Question regarding barred genetics and chick color

    Gave my broody pullet four eggs on Halloween. This morning I discovered two chicks had hatched during the night. One mom is an Easter Egger that lays blue eggs, the other an Olive Egger. Fathers are either Black Copper Marans cross or Crested Cream Legbar cross. What I'm wondering is, if the...
  7. ZooAtHome

    Dark pink eggs?

    Okay, so I haven't gotten a DARK pink egg, but I have gotten a BLUSH PINK one. All three of these eggs came from the same pullet. They are her first three and very tiny (ranging from 32-36 grams). Rosemary is one of three Blue-laced Red Wyandottes I have, but I know for a fact that all of these...
  8. ZooAtHome

    Dark pink eggs?

    Thank you, I love it. She's already given me four in only five days. Yes, the leaves start to drop just a few at a time around the end of August here. The trees are still green, they won't really turn for another month or so, but the leaves are already sprinkling down.
  9. ZooAtHome

    Dark pink eggs?

    My BCM cross pullet laid her first eggs this week. As promised, here is a picture. They did not turn out to be pink, but they are a lovely red-brown. I don't have a egg color scale card yet, but to my untrained eye, I'm seeing a 3. I am very happy with them.
  10. ZooAtHome

    Took a few tries, but once she got it right ... WOW!

    I understand how the brown pigment works, how it differs from blue and even how the brown over blue produces the green color. I just didn't realize that the brown pigment actually darkened after the egg was laid, changing the color a bit over time. This is one of the many fascinating things...
  11. ZooAtHome

    Took a few tries, but once she got it right ... WOW!

    And another one today! :celebrate Interesting how the first egg (left) has darkened since laid (it was the same color as the one on the right when I collected it). I didn't realize they did that.
  12. ZooAtHome

    Took a few tries, but once she got it right ... WOW!

    Technically, her fourth egg. First three were laid while roosting and cracked when they hit the coop floor. Two of them got stepped on and crushed. All three were tiny and really pale, almost white. One had a soft shell. But this one was totally worth the wait. Perfect in every way! :celebrate...
  13. ZooAtHome

    EE colouring / plumage - chicks vs/ adults --- Post your PICS!

    She does look a lot like Clove. As for the Barnevelder, I honestly don't know. She is Ameraucana and something else. They didn't specify exactly what. It is certainly possible.
  14. ZooAtHome

    EE colouring / plumage - chicks vs/ adults --- Post your PICS!

    My Ameraucana cross Easter Eggers: And my Crested Cream Legbar cross Easter Eggers:
  15. ZooAtHome

    Injured Beak

    I just checked her and it has already fallen off. The newly exposed beak looks almost normal ... maybe a tad pinker and shinier than before but not bloody or raw. There is a tiny bit of dried blood along one edge, but nobody is picking at her. I'll look at it again in the morning and keep an eye...
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