Recent content by Zrcalo

  1. Zrcalo

    Comment by 'Zrcalo' in article 'Coturnix Quail Education Time'

    you're not required to have a permit for coturnix or button quail in arizona. It's just all other quail, as they're all native here... Mearns, scaled quail, gambels, california, bobwhite.. :) but yeah. you dont need a permit for coturnix in arizona!
  2. Zrcalo

    Arizona Chickens

    :/ one of my button quail died about a week ago. Went to the AAS birdmart today, but had no luck finding any quail there. Bought a nice pair of diamond doves though. If anyone has any button quail for sale around mesa, let me know! I dont mind driving either!
  3. Zrcalo

    Artificial grass and Quail

    I would use pine shavings instead of the fake grass. Much more absorbant and they enjoy kicking it around. Also could you imagine how dirty the fake grass would get?
  4. Zrcalo

    Urgent I think... Infected skin all around neck of Coturnix

    Dont use peroxide on any kind of wound. Peroxide does NOT work as a disinfectant on anything and does absolutely nothing for wounds.
  5. Zrcalo

    White egg-laying quail

    Well they DO look like coturnix quail. But they may be hybridized anyway. Either way you've got some very special birds! are they friendly or rather flighty?
  6. Zrcalo

    Have I just got very lucky!!!???

    @farmboy are they all girls? Are they eating the eggs?
  7. Zrcalo

    just how many quail fit in 1sq. foot?

    Yeah, it looks to me like they're probably too hot!
  8. Zrcalo

    Gambels quail

    I would be VERY careful about raising gambels quail in arizona. They're technically illegal without a license. Mostly because they are native. "These Arizona regulations define “captive live wildlife” as live wildlife that...
  9. Zrcalo

    Falling Baby Cheepers

    From what I understand, medicated chick starter can kill baby quail. But I only know from my experience with button quail. Either the medication does nothing or it kills them. Also make sure they're drinking and eating. every. single. one. And dont take the water away! that may be your...
  10. Zrcalo

    White egg-laying quail

    Could they be hybrids? Could you show us a picture of your birds?
  11. Zrcalo

    lonely female time 2 get the shot gun yes or no lol

    First of all, if you saw a sickly or unhealthy pigeon, chances are it would be dead already. Secondly, if you saw one, by that time your own birds would have contracted the illness. Third, the chances of you shooting and actually hitting the offending pigeon are very slim. You're more likely to...
  12. Zrcalo

    Warning Graphic Hawk Attack

    I would think this pigeon would be able to recover... I've had birds get their wings ripped off and mauled and they've made it.
  13. Zrcalo

    New Male Button Quail Problem....

    I've had birds get paralysis due to contaminated feed with mold spores in them. Havent lost any birds but I've come close a few times. Took 3 bags of feed back to the store.
  14. Zrcalo

    Hi abit of advice on Chinese quail please

    Sounds like you have two males! Luckily for you, you probably have two females. Button quail are best kept in monogamous pairs. The behaviour you are seeing with the male offering food is courting behaviour.
  15. Zrcalo

    asian blue quail eggs, edible? and a few more qs :L

    That's the normal coloration for males. Do not search for "chinese painted quail" or any of their other names. Go on craigslist and search "button quail" They are called button quail in aviculture. If you seach for them under any other names, you wont find any as people just call them button...
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