Recent content by zurmakin

  1. zurmakin

    Sex Link Broken Neck Feathers

    That is really helpful. Still new with these girls. I think I realized that the old shafts needed to fall out but didn't put together that it will only happen at molt. It makes a lot of sense. I made some changes around their enclosure and it shouldn't happen again. I'm sure they will find...
  2. zurmakin

    Sex Link Broken Neck Feathers

    Ok! Thanks. She is just 14 months old. So I haven't witnessed her molt yet. She is my buddy and always cuddles in my lap so I notice it a lot and want to be sure I'm giving her what she needs.
  3. zurmakin

    Sex Link Broken Neck Feathers

    Hello all. I have a Sex Link that has a bunch of feathers on the front of the neck/breast that were broken off. I put in a new gate she was sticking her head through a lot and I believe that was the original cause. I fixed the gate and she can't do it anymore and the problem seems to have...
  4. zurmakin

    Introducing 3 day old chicks to 8 week old chicks

    I'm wondering the same thing. I'm actually reading this because I have a 9 week old and two 4 week old chicks I'm testing the waters with them being together. I originally had three with the oldest but sadly lost one and the others grew up to be turkeys and I had to get rid of them (this is a...
  5. zurmakin

    Dominique pullet or cockerel

    Thanks for weighing in. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I have a few months before crowing starts, right? It should be more obvious before that starts I would believe. Also, the Empire did nothing wrong.
  6. zurmakin

    Dominique pullet or cockerel

    Hello all! I have a couple of 4-week old Dominique chicks. I got them from a local feed store that told me they were all sexed to be pullets. I noticed some differences between my two Dominiques from the beginning and they are becoming even more pronounced. I was hoping to gain some insight...
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