Recent content by Zylstra4

  1. Zylstra4

    crows stealing eggs

    We also are having problems with we think crows stealing our eggs. We thought it was a rat and set out traps at night but no luck catching anything. We now have discovered the eggs are dissapearing during the day. I am going to try a cloth over the small chicken door and see if that prevents...
  2. Zylstra4

    Hen laying eggs in milkbox

    Unfortunately the hen left the milkbox this morning with the egg in it and hasn't returned :(
  3. Zylstra4

    Hen laying eggs in milkbox

    It's on our front door step under cover. I am just worried it is soo small that its are for her to get in and out of for food and water. Should I bring food and water next to the milkbox?
  4. Zylstra4

    Hen laying eggs in milkbox

    I have a hen that jumped into our milkbox this morning and has been there all day. The last couple days she has been fluffing her feathers up and making a lot of noises. Is she probably laying eggs in the milkbox and hatching them there? If so do I leave her in it or try to move her and the...
  5. Zylstra4

    Should my new baby chicks stay with there mother or go in a box with a heat lamp?

    We also have seven chicks from a hen. The other hens/rooster have been ok with them but our 12 week old Australian shepherd seems to be intrigued by them. The chicks are free range during the day with their mom. Will the mom protect them from the puppy if he tries to go after them? Should I...
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