BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

May I suggest that you get some b complex for cattle and give 0.1 ml orally? I suggest this because compared to nutritional yeast, rooster booster products, nutri-drench, etc, it has the highest concentration of thiamine.
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I can do that. I'll look in my arsenal of supplies. If I don't have it, I'll hit up the feed store. Vitamin E in addition, correct?
This little gal was a full assist. She was the only one that made it. The others died after internal pip. Ran out of air before they could bust through their shells.
Sorry for your losses. {{{{hugs}}}} when it comes to neurological problems the thiamine and e are the only things I can think of to try. Seen a couple here and it worked with them. Is she getting better or worse?
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She seems a tad better today. She was much improved yesterday over the day before. Mama chicken and I make sure she eats and drinks. She is pooping normally too.
She is able to kinda hop around a bit, but definitely still turning to the side. She is not tipping as much, though, so I suppose that she's made some progress. I am heading to the store in a bit to get supplies for her treatment.
How is she doing?
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She didn't make it. She lived one week. She had a bulging eye one day, while the other was sunken. After a swim, it seemed to go back to normal. I found her on her back last Tuesday morning gasping for breath and bubbling at the mouth. I had the man put her out of her misery. She also hadn't grown at all, which was bizarre. I was super bummed. She was a funny little thing.
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