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The Backyard Bantams
The Backyard Bantams
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thanks! I'm not sure exactly, I think some kind of golden spitzhauben bantam cross!
Cool! Well, she's gorgeous!
The Backyard Bantams
The Backyard Bantams
Thankyou!! She is very sassy and does not put up with being held. I did raise her from a baby, I spent time with her every day, but she is not interested! I'm so excited for her to lay! She's 28 weeks, it can't be far off!!
Wow, 28 weeks and still no egg? Does she squat? Have you checked her pubic bone width?
Also, what is her name? ❤
The Backyard Bantams
The Backyard Bantams
No squatting, but she's just started showing signs of waddles! I think her pubic bones are about the width of an egg. She is called "kiwi", or nugget. I have a hen called Ebony her age who just started laying. Her eggs are called "eggonies". I count every one, shes up to Eggony XXIV! She consistently lays 6 a week, even though it is winter, and she is a silkie cross. I will call kiwi's eggs nuggets!
The new one in your avatar may be prettier than the last!!! :drool
It's so funny it's winter there, it's 90 degrees here today. We're just about at the end of summer.
The Backyard Bantams
The Backyard Bantams
I'm seeing the first early blossoms, so excited! I've got so much to plant, and my chooks will love the weather. They've only known cold. Soon they'll be wishing for winter again though, it gets up to 45 degrees C (113 F) in the peak of summer!

Ebony i think is a silkie x (sebright??????)

She is very small, lays silkie eggs, 4 toes, dark skin, walnut comb, tiny waddles, blue ears, tiny feathers on her feet.
113?!?! Yikes!
Thats exciting! Our winters are so long, they last October until May. Summer is wonderful though. It never gets over 100.
Ebony is so pretty. I love the silver color, and those blue earlobes 💙
The Backyard Bantams
The Backyard Bantams
I wish I could move more northern, it's nice and sub-tropical. It gets just as hot here, but it's nice and warm all year round! I say the winters are cold here, it NEVER snows, only a few nights get just below freezing.
I like where I live. Though some days in winter feel like I live in Alaska 😂
It has gotten down to -41 fahrenheit here. That's not wind chill, actual temp. Wind chills have gotten down to at least -50 before. Its cold. I lost my Black Australorp last year, she froze to death. Rock hard. She just froze off the roost.
The Backyard Bantams
The Backyard Bantams
I thought Australorps were cold hardy! Wow, that's so cold............Coldest I've seen in my life was like -3 degree celsius. I've only seen the snow once, on a mountain. I expected it to be fluffy, it's like ice lol. Wish I could go to the snow was only about half a foot deep at most tho.....
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