BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Your not blabbing at all, I'm always happy to meet members on here that are at the same skill level as me. The members that are still learning, we gotta look out for each other right. ;)
The photo quality in your avatar is awesome as well! How do you do it? I love photography! :D
Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
Thank you so much! *makes me feel a bit better* The ones i know that are inside here are Bill felder, easter eggers, cochins, and a hediamora! The one with its head peaking around the corner *black* is a bill felder! *we think!*
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Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
The one in the back we thought was a cochin, still not sure though,
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Yay! I'm very happy to know my ducklings are safe! I think the new babies are making me overly protective haha! Babies are the best!
Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
The hediamora and easter egger is off camera, but their pretty cute. And the hediamora chick is pretty noisey, people call it *blue?* it has a black head to a greyish belly, pretty cute,
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Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
They tottally are! So fluffy and adorable!
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Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
We arent tottally sure on every breed, but i do know at least 3 of the 6 for sure.
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Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
Also in your profile, is that your horse? If you dont mind telling me of course) but if it is thats beautiful!
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Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
Id better head to bed, thanks for everything and good luck on the flock! Im sure they will do just wonderful! Goodnight :)
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I love Bielefelders! They're an underrated breed for not reason. They're really pretty! I've owned EE's, (Easter Egger) and am hatching Bantam Cochins now, both breeds are very fun! I've never heard of Hediamora though, just googled it, they're beautiful to! Nice choice of breeds, your gonna have a beautiful flock!
Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
im so excited aswell! I hope they all turn out good. :) Although one of them , the brown one in the corner seems to be a bit of a bully, i hope he/she changes when its older.
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Yep! Thats Misty! She's the best, and fast one to! We trail ride and love to gallop as fast as possible. We've been clocked at 38 mph. :)
Nice talking to you! You have beautiful chicks, and I hope to see you around BYC! Glad to have you as a member, and thanks for the hep again in my thread. :D
Hopefully she'll grown out of it. Crossing my fingers for you! Night! I'm checking in as well. Nice seeing you around!
Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
You to! And night . :D
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If you wanted to post photos of your chicks, some other BYC members on here may be able to tell the breed. I'll give it a go to, its good practice! :D
Feel free to tag me in the thread to, I love to guess, its kinda fun. :jumpy
Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
Okay! Thank you so much for all the help, i will actually post some chick pictures right now!
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Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
Im not to sure i did it right but i tried haha.
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Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
Heres what the some posibiltys are (My friend said) Easter eggers, Hediamoras, cochins, and bill felders. (and any others)
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I don’t know, but they are sooo cute
Chicken poppy
Chicken poppy
They are hehe! Im so curious to know.
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