BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Show Sebright
Awesome! Do you breed them, too?
Show Sebright
Show Sebright
I want to my my parents won’t allow me. They also won’t breed I would have to do AI
Oh, okay. The rooster won't breed with the hens?

I'm thinking about buying some Sebrights soon. I hear that they need an aviary-type pen. I'm thinking for some ideas, do you have any pics of your pen?
Show Sebright
Show Sebright
I can get pictures. I would love to have a larger pen but they can’t live together. They were raised separately so the hate each other. Sebrights are very bad at being with other birds they are big raised with. So my coops see small but they get ti be out all morning and afternoon in the empty stalls.
Okay, thanks! Oh, gotcha.
Show Sebright
Show Sebright
They would love a aviary-type pen. If you plan to just have 2 has a pet a 3 story ferret cage works great
I bet! I was thinking more like six, but two is all I need. LOL. I'll look at those, thanks!
Show Sebright
Show Sebright
I wish. I want more but I can’t unless I get rid of my other 4 hens. Then I get a huge coop to fill with Sebrights
I'm sorry about that.

Also, I was looking at ferret cages, and they look waaay too small.

I was thinking about something like this:

Show Sebright
Show Sebright
That would be great. They like to perch and hop around a lot. Parrot cages are good to if you let them out a lot.
Yep, it's expensive, though. Thanks!
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