BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
They hatching yet??
Wonder Quails
Wonder Quails
Moving but not chiping,pipping, or hatching.... When should I start helping? (with any eggs)
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
How are they now?
Wonder Quails
Wonder Quails
Pipped! I helped a little(internally) I think
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :celebrate 🤞:celebrate
Wonder Quails
Wonder Quails
Thanks! :wee How are your eggs? ( if you have any)
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
No eggs. Just celebrated my chicks 2nd week! Anything special happening with your birds??
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
Sorry I responded so late!
Wonder Quails
Wonder Quails
it's ok! Sadly no. Working on duck eggs now. however, in a month or so, I will be getting an incubator because it's almost end of DIY incubator season!
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
I would love ducks someday. However, would ducks live peacably with chickens? Would my rooster,Bruno, try to attack a drake?
Wonder Quails
Wonder Quails
Probably if not introduced correctly... I think you can try to get different areas for each if you can? Can you?
Wonder Quails
Wonder Quails
It also really depends on the ducks personality.
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
We probably could get/build a pen for ducks. Hmm, always lookin' for nice ducks!
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
Random fact, but I would like a house chicken someday!!!! :D
Wonder Quails
Wonder Quails
That's nice! Like a chicken pet in the house? I always wanted that too! For absolutely nice ducks, you should buy them grown up. This will be more expensive though, so beware.
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
Yes! I would love a pet chicken. It's a shame you have to buy them grown up. But I guess that would be better for everybody, thank you for the advice!
Wonder Quails
Wonder Quails
Actually I might know some breeders that sell baby ducks! I will try to find them for you.
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
Your so nice, thank you so much! Sadly, I think that some point in the future would be better. Some info would be great when I am ready though! Please send it to me.
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
I read over that post and just realized that was very confusing. Here it is, I would love some info right now! Even if I will get ducks in the future.
Thank You!!!
Wonder Quails
Wonder Quails
I will give it to you later today! SOO Excited for ducks for you!
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