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Shabby Chic-Hens
Shabby Chic-Hens
Shabby Chic-Hens
I can give you a link to the archives.
Nah, it's fine I found it It actually IS in the archives.
I prefer to put on my profile tags "profile by @-Kiwi-" while I am doing the wof OC pfp
I don’t want to seem rude, but has Kiwi given you guys permission to use those?
Shabby Chic-Hens
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
I don't want to speak for her, but Chikyboy, Harmonylight, and Nicole Taber have had these as their pfps for a while. Kiwi probobably would have complained if she wasn't good with it. It's okay, It's not rude. Also, Nicole Taber and I give her credit. :)
Okay, good! I just wanted to double-check. :)
Shabs, you should probably credit Kiwi in your pf tags
Shabby Chic-Hens
more like "profile by @-Kiwi-", lol, everyone's gonna be confused by a tag that just says "kiwi"
Yes, I was gonna say that. Much less confusing than being tagged EVERY TEN MINUTES-
Gurl, it's cause you famous
part of my ✨charm✨
The first two people my brother said he was gonna follow was you and then me, he is very impressed by your art
Tell him I really appreciate it lol. But yes, and this goes for everyone, please please credit me as the artist if you put my art anywhere. Art theft is very common and not fun.
Mary Poopins Love
Mary Poopins Love
No probalmo Kiwi. A few seconds of your time could save you from a BIG crime.

I didn't mean for that to rhyme...
Omgosh, she's a poet, and she didn't even know it.

@-Kiwi- you should remind @Chikyboy to credit your art too... although his profile tags are kinda already full
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