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  1. L

    Predator identification

    Could be the Rats.
  2. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Weeded and thinned the carrots, put up fence for the cucumbers to climb on and hoed all the rows to deter some weeds. :)
  3. L

    All Flock Higher Protein Feed vs. Layer Feed

    I had been feeding a pellet layer and pellet all flock and the last few weeks it seemed like the chickens had slowed way done on feed consumption, so I needed feed and got a bag of layer pellet and 1 in crumble and now they dig for the crumble and scatter the pellets. It seems they like crumble...
  4. L

    Will Our Chickens be Safe from Raccoons?

    No out in the country.
  5. L

    Will Our Chickens be Safe from Raccoons?

    This morning it was just getting light enough to see the chicken area and I see a big coon running right towards the coop/run and stops for a moment at the gate and then kept going. We have a lot of coon in are area and I see coon prints on the sides of the coop often. I have hardware cloth on...
  6. L

    Official BYC Poll: What Is Your Least Favorite Thing About Keeping Chickens?

    Worrying about them when we go away for a few days. I have good people to look after them when we go but still worry. I can see the coop and run on a camera/ phone app to see what's going on if we get cell service.
  7. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    What are you growing in the tires?
  8. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Took the hoe to the weeds in the carrot rows and gave the corn a side dressing of urea. Garden looks pretty good, hope the storms with hail forecasted for later today are kind to it.
  9. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I know the panic mode. Normally I don't plant until memorial day due to my garden being in the bottom of a kettle, 10 degree difference up by the house to down by the garden. This year its been so warm and the soil temp was right I planted 2 weeks early. Keeping my fingers crossed we stay mild.
  10. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Everything but the peppers looked fine, hope they are not stunted now. Peppers were a little wilted in the morning but perked up by the end of the day.
  11. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Looked out the window at the chicken run to see a light layer of frost on the roof :he the garden is right next to it and I didn't cover last night due to the weather person saying we will be 10 degrees warmer than the night before.
  12. L

    7 week old barred rocks?

    The pic with 2 chickens I think are pullets the other not sure.
  13. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Took covers off that I put on incase of frost. No frost 👍 down to 38F.
  14. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Watching the ground dry, over 7" of rain this month. Things are growing good and now chance of frost tonight. :he
  15. L

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    Don't always think clipped wing feathers will keep them grounded. About 35 years ago I took my macaw outside (feathers on one wing cut) it was a bit breezy and he caught the wind and flew up in a tree. The next flight he made it about 50 yards into a 2' tall hay field where I caught up with him.
  16. L

    Raccoon, Right? Graphic Pictures

    Large Racoons have no problem killing a turkey, I have caught Racoon close to 35 lbs.
  17. L

    Pullet or cockerel?

    I say pullet from her posture.
  18. L

    What is the predator

    Looks like coon hair to me.
  19. L

    Hen or Roo? Help sexing my four chickens. Pictures at various ages

    Barnevelder and the R. red look like cockerels to me.
  20. L

    What poop is this?

    No clue. :(
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