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  1. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    She didn't make it. She had a convulsion and then was gone. I'm livid I was probably sitting right here when it happened and didn't see it. I let Michael know the first chicken I see going too far with another chicken is going. He feels bad too. I have no other cuckoo hen as her sister...
  2. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    That said, now I am facing having an "attacked" 3-month-old hen. :( I didn't see it happen, and it was right in our backyard in broad daylight with our two dogs and a good rooster, all who would have broken this up, and maybe they did, but too late. I didn't see it but hubby was mowing...
  3. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    I'm so proud that another newly hatched chick out there with supposed wry neck and disjointed hip, magically is better after I convinced the owner to put it back in the incubator for a while. I think sometimes people see deformities on a newly hatched chick and think the worst, take them out...
  4. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    Oops, I should have said, see Pg. 1 of the Hatchalong if you wanted proof who named those two. :)
  5. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    You named that one! See Pg. 1 😊 @Patiocoturnix named Maxwell
  6. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    The Odoban chicks update: If you don't know what this is about, see Hatch date 1/16-1/17/2024 Ember - hen Maxwell - Rooster Partridge was adopted out. She sent photo today. She's leaning...
  7. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    A story of turnaround. I've hatched a couple of batches in the past few days. As you might have known or seen, one small batch of eggs I bought was just to get me one bearded/vaulted white silkie hen and rooster. I found 6 eggs for sale, she sent 7. Shocking that 5 of those hatched, the...
  8. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    I'm down to 3 hens in the breeding pen and got 3 eggs two days in a row. You'd know that was rare around here if you'd see me all excited running with them into the house to show the hubs!
  9. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    No, but this coming Monday would be two weeks since she told me the buffs weren't laying. I paid her $160 on April 28 and understand she had orders before mine to fill. I think I'll see if she's got a lot of those lemon cuckoos to fill in for whatever buffs she doesn't have. I was already...
  10. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    What's funny is I posted that picture in a FB poultry group without the arrow on it, and some dude picked that one out and asked if that was going to be an orange chicken as he lost one last fall and wants another one. I was so shocked he picked that head out of 17 others, the one that's...
  11. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    Here's 18 new fuzzy butts were due today (18th), but hatched on Day 19 and 20. The one I marked was an egg from my partridge hen/white rooster I grabbed from the coop that I knew was hers. I just wanted to see what she'd make. It's going to be reddish maybe splash it seems as it's yellow and...
  12. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    I'm excited! I'm getting antsy and hope she's able to ship this coming Monday.
  13. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    That is such a gorgeous color, I wouldn't care if it was cuckoo or not as long as it stayed that way!!
  14. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    I guessed cuckoo as I have silkie cuckoos and kind of assume if they were satin they'd look similar except mine are gray. That very well could be laced, but I'm not hugely familiar with those, thus, I jumped to thinking it's cuckoo. But, I think you're right. Check these out. And on Facebook...
  15. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    I think silkies hold their color the same as others, but might be diffused a bit when they have the silkie feathers. I had a paint on the left at one point. Now if that paint had satin feathers instead, the dots might be more prominent. The middle is a satin partridge. Still have her. The...
  16. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    Very pretty!! Color genetics is the same for any breed as far as I know, and there's a great example of a great surprise! What a beauty!
  17. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    My intent in the beginning was to get buffs from her. The other kinds were bonus. She only had two buff eggs and told me what else she had. The "what else she had" list was great, but I am defeating my purpose in getting buffs from her. I'll wait another week and see what she comes up with...
  18. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    Egg order delayed. She didn't have enough buff eggs to fill my two dozen egg order and said it's so hot there they aren't laying well. She asked if I wanted 1 mos old chicks. No, as I'd only get 3 chicks for the price I've paid for two dozen eggs. Hindsight thinking, maybe that's all I'd...
  19. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    I am too! All those shipping eggs I bought got such a horrible hatch rate on them, but what I did get, I'm so amazed at the colors and beauty of them. Yes, even those darned naked necks lol. I have some more of mine hatching on the 18th, but then the 23rd those other ones, the "box of...
  20. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    Oh, you want to have them shipped in the U.S.? I can squeeze out a dozen of those eggs for you but then are you bringing the chicks back to Europe? I guess I'm confused as to your mission here lol.
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