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  1. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Most of our weather comes from the west too. But, NZ lies broadside to it ... so if you're looking Upwind, as it were, everyone gets fresh weather from over the pacific. Even in NZ, there are comparatively few factories anywhere really, and all the power stations are hydroelectric, geothermal...
  2. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Glad to hear the explanation of how to tell more accurately how the body weight of one's birds is ... I've always wondered how other people tell. I pick them up and try to compare what they feel like along the keel to similar chickens we've eaten ... I wonder what they think I'm doing ... "Now...
  3. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Yes maggots do make great chicken feed. A common trick is to stack, say, possum bodies, roadkill etc on a wire rack above your chickens head height, and they pick up the maggots as they fall. I tried it once. Frankly I don't like the smell or look of dead things. Also, basic fact, no "Energy...
  4. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Na ... we don't have such a thing in NZ ... ever ... always totally pure rain. In fact, the normal source of drinking water in rural NZ is roof water. No-one has wells, well almost no-one (I do know of one person), and river water is only an emergency ration in dry summers if you're unlucky...
  5. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Oh I'm not really worried about them starving themselves ... my feed bill certainly is happy! In fact I'm glad they are more content. They are laying well, (Kira laid twice the day before yesterday!!) which I think is a good sign. Besides, like I said, I tried them on their normal feed and...
  6. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    The biggest thing I have noticed with my FF (or rather my chickens). They aren't hungry. Not just they eat less ... they are NEVER hungry. Before anyone thinks maybe they don't like the feed, a), I know my chickens and they are truly not hungry, not 'hungry but disappointed in what they get'...
  7. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    PH of my fermented whole grain's liquid is 4.5. PH of the water prior to use is (to my surprise) 6. (Its rain water, which is normally 7 here, but its collecting in a bucket I mixed tannin in last year, the bucket is a little "Tea-stained", so I guess there is still some tannic acid in it after...
  8. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    I have a kit for my Aquaponic system, I will check it today. The test will (Since most are either absorbent strips or liquid tests) be checking only the liquid, which may be more acid that the average solid chunk ... for instance I wouldn't expect the inside of a corn kernel to be as acidic as...
  9. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    :lauLOLOLOLOLOL here is the quote from the official Poultry Nutrition book that gives advice for commercial poultry rations. All the way through I have been wondering that they compare basically how little nutrition they can get away with and still keep a chicken laying ... and I wonder what...
  10. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    :lauLol ... yeast ... can't say as I had previously thought of that ... shellfish yes ... yeast no. Has anyone told her lettuce is alive too? (Albeit not conscious) ... but for instance take mung bean sprouts ... they're definitely alive. (Actually I do feel a little guilty cooking sprouts!)...
  11. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    "In fermentation, the sugars and starches are eaten up by the bacteria cultures, and converted to lactic acid, carbon dioxide, and more bacteria." So as well as the Co2, some of that sugar and starch is your lactic acid...
  12. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Ah of course ... I should have known that ... :oops: So that is mostly loss ... I don't think Ethanol counts as a nutrient for chickens, but then our fermentation is mostly bacterial not yeast so ethanol is minimal. The carbon dioxide is of course loss (not that I am mourning the death of a...
  13. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    By the way, since reading about potentially larger yolks in eggs from FF chickens, I've wondered, has anyone noticed any differences in chicks hatched from FF eggs? Eg, larger, healthier, higher hatchability, or anything like that?
  14. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Very interesting studies ... "reduced the concentration of dietary sugar from 32.1 to 7.3 g/kg DM" What does this dietary Sugar convert to? Does anyone know? "and the phytate bound phosphorus from 2.7 to 1.9 g/kg DM." So from that we can get a good idea of the increased digestibility of the...
  15. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Oof just got back from digging chicken drains!! Its pouring here and the drain blocked sending a flood through the chicken house area overnight. Yuckk!!
  16. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    ...those levels the total dry weight feed going in won't change from the normal, but if you keep feeding the same diet, it will go up slightly. **** Still looking for the analysis of fermented grains ... I almost got it for wheat on a sourdough study but it is a purchase only full text.:barnie...
  17. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Does anyone know where I can find a study or something to say what the analysis of FF vs non-fermented is?? Particularly fermented grains, wheat and corn. I can find generalities "More protein" "less carbohydrate" "Increased vitamin B" etc ... but I'm looking for figures, even in a general range...
  18. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Actually there is a new bag ... but since both bags are whole grains, not ground at all, I'm having a little difficulty seeing "Larger Pieces" ... but you have a good point with the new bag certainly. That could definitely have a bearing on it. I've only read the abstract of the study so far...
  19. Ebarnes-21

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Poop texture has changed strangely. I've been giving my chickens FF for about a week now. Fermented whole wheat and corn, with meat. So far I'm happy with fermenting the grain, the chickens are happier, fuller, and eat less. There is a definite poop change though since I started fermenting the...
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