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  1. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    maybe, but just before Blondie died in May, my partner and I commented that Penny was still running around like a spring chicken... She would go bounding from the deck to the back of the yard, it was fun to watch her... Whatever ultimately took her down may have been under the surface for a...
  2. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    Well, the preliminary necropsy results just came in... poor Penny... With her cancer, there is clearly nothing we could have done to help her, except for euthanizing her... I feel very badly that she was in such a bad state, and especially so "emaciated"... in spite of our force feeding her...
  3. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock @HeatherKellyB @BugStalker 5:17AM Update: Penny just died. Thanks to everyone who helped. ------------------------------------------- Help! I woke up at 2 am and decided to check on Penny. I found her off her 2" perch on the floor of where she roosts and she was...
  4. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    When I asked if I should continue it, he dismissed it and said she'd had enough... (I'd need to go back to check, but I did 2-3 days). I have to admit, I did wonder about that...but he doesn't seem to like to do lab work because he says it costs a lot...(I wish he'd let me decide...) I think a...
  5. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    Just an update... Penny is still with us, but I think she is declining. I could find no evidence of droppings in the yard yesterday, so I don't think she pooped at all after yesterday morning... when the poops had gone from large puddles of liquid to more like they'd looked previously. So...
  6. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    Thanks so much, I like this method a lot more than trying to stuff the hard, baked little balls of mash I'd made! It also made it easier to feed her more. I also like that it included the coconut oil and grit!
  7. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    ...wet, but her crop is still pretty full.... I'm hoping though, that might mean that at least she is absorbing more water than before... but she is *definitely* not out of the woods.... One interesting thing I discovered when I'm force feeding her.... I like to give her a little break and give...
  8. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    I hadn't! Thanks, I'll give it a try. That would be better than the hard little balls I made out of mash and baked. I haven't tried tube feeding yet, do you know if it is less stressful for the bird once you get it down?
  9. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    Here it is mid afternoon, and so far has drunk a fair amount of water on her own, but she hasn't pooped since this morning and her crop is not emptying... It's probably not fair to her to keep force-feeding her for an extended period... she really hates it... but if I stop I think she'd just...
  10. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    Yes, it does look sort of dry... I take it that means she isn't absorbing as many nutrients? The latest dropping is a definite improvement over the previous ones, not that it is good looking at all... just better than the ones overnight! First photo overnight, 2nd afternoon.
  11. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    Hi all, Miss Penny is still with us, and actually seems a little better in spite of her droppings still being all watery like yesterday, and her crop is still pretty full. Fortunately, she does have a little more energy, maybe it was the increase in feed (forced.) Also, for the first time in...
  12. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    Hi all, well, we went to the vet. He said to discontinue the worming medication, keep taking the bactrim, and he gave us a course of Pro-pectalin (an antidiarrheal with Kaolin, Pectin & Probiotics.) It seems odd to me to give her an antidiarrheal on the heels of s stool softner! We're to...
  13. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    yes, she's still on antibiotics, I gave her ducolax about 5 hours ago, and I'm going to the vet now... thanks!
  14. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    Hi all, a very quick update because I have to run to work.... she woke up in a big gross puddle under her perch! (see attached photo) But crop is still not down all the way. I think the color may be due to baby food I force fed her, but not sure, the other stuff is probably old intestinal...
  15. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    Thanks, I've just dealt with round worms just a few times, but this didn't feel like one...
  16. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    I already got one answer and they say it is a worm... that could have been dead for a while... but I guess it wouldn't hurt to tag some others just to make sure....
  17. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    Her crop is big, but I don't *think* it's at the level where it needs a bra.... I've weighed her before, but don't remember where i have that info! However, I did weigh her today and she came up just short of 4.5 lbs... but then her crop was totally full! If it happens to empty tonight, or...
  18. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    Yeah, I wondered about intestinal lining as well, but it didn't seem quite right for that...good idea to post. Thanks.
  19. amyduck

    Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

    I hadn't heard about the magnesium... but I'm glad you mention grit, because I've wondered about it as well. Although she does seem to pick up grit outside, I haven't seen her eat what we put out lately, but it's a little larger. At any rate, just this afternoon I put out two piles of sand on...
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