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  1. Tiffany24

    Calico or something else? Cochin Bantams

    The amount of changes since I posted this thread is astonishing. Original pictures were posted May 16th. These were taken this evening almost 3 weeks later. The cockerel is my ultimate favorite.
  2. Tiffany24

    Calico or something else? Cochin Bantams

    The pullets have definitely changed a little in the 3 weeks we've had them. It will be fun to play with the colors. If I can find more pullets that look like the cockerel that would be perfect. This is a picture from May 1st. Actually I think all 4 changed a bit.
  3. Tiffany24

    Calico or something else? Cochin Bantams

    I believe he said the cockerel wasn't related but he only showed me 1 set of Cochins Bantams and all chicks were the same age. I'd say there is a decent chance they could be half siblings. The rooster looked similar to the cockerel and the pullets look similar to the hens I seen.
  4. Tiffany24

    Calico or something else? Cochin Bantams

    I have to admit color wise the cockerel is my favorite. Can you create calico from pairing these? Thank you.
  5. Tiffany24

    Sanitize/Bleach bowls and waterers?

    I would clean with vinegar. Bleach can stick to the plastics.
  6. Tiffany24

    Calico or something else? Cochin Bantams

    Hi, I bought 4 Cochin Bantams about 3 weeks ago. The pullets have begun changing colors a bit. They are now roughly 8 weeks old. Do they look like Calico to you? I now feel the pull to invest in more Cochins because they are soooo friendly with my 2 year old daughter. While my LG fowl chickens...
  7. Tiffany24

    12 week old Silkies

    Thanks everyone. That's what I thought but wanted to double check.
  8. Tiffany24

    12 week old Silkies

    I have 3, 12 week old silkies. 2 are dark blues and 1 is a paint. What's your thoughts on genders? I'm having a hard time deciding. They are from good quality stock not hatchery.
  9. Tiffany24

    8 week old Easter

    Thanks, I can't wait to see how she looks as she gets older. I have a few that have awesome coloring.
  10. Tiffany24

    8 week old Easter

    Thank you everyone. :)
  11. Tiffany24

    8 week old Easter

    Hi, I have an 8 week old Easter Egger chick. I'm starting to wonder if its a cockerel. Most of the chicks have pea combs, however this one is a straight comb and it's turning pink. His/her wattles are turning pink/red also. Any guesses as to pullet or cockerel?
  12. Tiffany24

    Having a hard time deciding!!!

    Thank you! 🙂
  13. Tiffany24

    Having a hard time deciding!!!

    Hi, I'm having the hardest time deciding if I think the Germinal Disk looks like a bulls eye or if I'm seeing things. 🤦‍♀️ In certain light they look fertilized, while other light looks like a regular unfertilized egg's Germinal Disk. What do you see?
  14. Tiffany24

    SILKIE CHICKS Unable to Walk

    It's hard to see in the first two videos but in the last video you posted the chick has a splayed leg. It's an easy fix. These are not my pictures but for reference. There are multiple ways to fix splayed legs but this should give you an idea.
  15. Tiffany24

    Help with Dominique Rooster

    He's doing really well. I'm still keeping an eye on him but he's up running around like nothing happened.
  16. Tiffany24

    Help with Dominique Rooster

    I've never seen the cockerels in the compost. Just the Dominique's. I can't say for sure though because I wasn't always outside. Its very possible they came in contact with it. I don't believe its that deep maybe a foot deep at the most. The part I seen looked dry to me but I'll have to check...
  17. Tiffany24

    Help with Dominique Rooster

    I was finally able to upload the video using youtube. Here is another link. After uploading the rooster got up and walked for a minute then began stuffing his face full of food. He's still not right but at least he ate. Now that you mention it he was free ranging 2 days ago and they all went...
  18. Tiffany24

    Help with Dominique Rooster

    Hi, When I came home from work this evening I went out to feed and water the chickens. Its our routine. Every morning and evening I go out to check them ext. This time I noticed one of our roosters acting lethargic, wings drooping, fluffed up, and not walking. I brought him into the house to...
  19. Tiffany24

    Old English Game Bantam Confusion

    What would be my best option to produce better quality? I don't know much about oegb genetics.
  20. Tiffany24

    Old English Game Bantam Confusion

    I've only seen Wheaten and Bb red in person. This variety is all new to us.
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