I don't have a rooster. She has had feather probles since she was two years old (she's six now). We have a dominant hen, but I know she didn't do it. Hens pecked her tail feathers out.
She was fine yesterday! I look at her today and she's moving slowly and not talking, becoming weak. She has some stuff coming from where she lays eggs. What is it? Can I help her? She's a very special chicken to me and I want her to live through this.
They all look like pullets to me. Nice birds! I've been wanting Lavender Orpingtons for a couple years. I can't get them where I'm at and I don't want to order them online.
I train this breed of chicken to do tricks. Luna, my best trained hen, knows her name! I think that this breed is pretty smart (not every chicken is super smart). Four out of four of the barred rocks I own pay attention pretty well. Luna and april are pretty pecked up now; their feathers are not...