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  1. H

    Is it safe to use lime in the chicken coop?

    I'm hatching out chicks with my broody hens this year for the first time. I just got one girl set up and put barn lime in the bottom of the box. Now I'm wondering if it's going to mess with the moisture/humidity level the eggs need or will momma adjust everything and it be OK? I don't want to...
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    Chick hatching

    Sorry to have just jumped in here. I'm looking to make a post to get info on hatching without an incubator. I have a couple broody Buff Orpingtons and want to let them sit and hatch but need to know what to do and what not to do. Can you tell me where the right place to post such questions...
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    It shouldn't get that cold there to worry about frostbite but here's what we do here when it gets cold. Make sure there is good ventilation up high in the coop. No drafts where the chicken lives. Straw or wood chips to nestle in. I feed a little whole corn in the evening when it's cold out...
  4. H

    Lame Pekin duck followed me home?

  5. H

    Lame Pekin duck followed me home?

    Here is Daisy now. She has a little bump on her head where the feathers go wonky. I haven't really thought much of it since I've had dogs with them and they were never an issue.
  6. H

    Lame Pekin duck followed me home?

    I still have the blue sweedish, just never named her for some odd reason. As to the picture, I forgot earlier...busy day, and we're having severe thunderstorms at the moment but will see about getting a picture in the morning.
  7. H

    Lame Pekin duck followed me home?

    Here is Daisy when she first came home with us. I need to get a new picture. DuckDuck is the Pekinin the pool with Miss Goose. The blue sweedish never got named.
  8. H

    Lame Pekin duck followed me home?

    I've named her Daisy. She still has trouble getting around but she's learning to be a duck. Looking like she maybe had an injury or deformity instead of vitamin deficiency but still giving all that. However, deformity doesn't make sense to me. If a duck is born with a deformity like this why...
  9. H

    Lame Pekin duck followed me home?

    How long do you recommend she wear this? All day? 24/7 except when swimming? She loves her pool time! She now eats breakfast then goes and sits by the pool until it's filled and I put her in. She's been getting 2 or 3 swims a day.
  10. H

    Lame Pekin duck followed me home?

    That's an interesting idea. Would a milk jug be heavy enough plastic or would I need something like an old bin?
  11. H

    Lame Pekin duck followed me home?

    Thank you for that reply and I really appreciate the picture! Very helpful!
  12. H

    Lame Pekin duck followed me home?

    I tried posting this earlier but can't find it now. Wondering if I posted it in the wrong place? Anyway, appologies if you've already seen this. I brought home a lame duck this past weekend and thought I'd see if you have any tips. We don't know much about her. I'm told she is under a year...
  13. H

    Comment by 'HotLips' in article 'How To Prevent Dirty Eggs in the Chicken Coop'

    How tall a nesting box do you have?
  14. H

    Trying to ID a duck.

    Found 5 eggs this morning. 2 blue and 1 white on DuckDuck and Goose's side. 2 white on the side with 3 ducks in the nest by the door. I think they're just messin' with me now! 🤣 I read that it's possible for a duck to lay 2 eggs in a day, but it's rare. Happy Easter!
  15. H

    Trying to ID a duck.

    Well I was gone for 3 weeks to help my kids/grandkids. Hubby was home tending to critters. He said he found 6 eggs twice during the three weeks. I came home and found 10 eggs on the side with the new ducks and 5 on the side with 3 ducks. So 15 eggs...OK maybe 11 or 12 eggs he missed...
  16. H

    Trying to ID a duck.

    That's what I use in the winter for my ducks is the 2 gallon buckets. Works great! I get the hose and pool out anytime it's above freezing (preferably highs of 40) and fill it up for them.
  17. H

    Trying to ID a duck.

    They work good for chickens but they aren't very deep so it's hard for a duck to dip it's head for cleaning. Wish I'd thought of it for my chickens, may start using one for them next year.
  18. H

    Are these mites or lice?

    How do you use permithrin on chickens? I would think it would hurt them as delicate as birds are. I have some concentrate to spray around the house and kennel. Made some up to treat dogs one year and had a dog lose fur where I put it on her. So leary with chickens.
  19. H

    Trying to ID a duck.

    I have large crates but I think I'm going to try splitting their living quarters first. More work but we have another winter storm coming and that means more time inside. They need to move around.
  20. H

    Trying to ID a duck.

    That's a good question. The Cayugas both have a curled tail feather. It's just those 2 and the 1 Blue Sweedish. Last year I got 2 eggs in one day, then 1 egg the next, and so on. Never 3 eggs in one day. So there's at least 2 females there plus Miss Goose for 3. The other Cayuga may be a...
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