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  • Users: docdubz
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  1. docdubz

    Selling geese

    What's a fair price for a flock of 7 one and a half year old embdens? I need to sell the farm and move closer to the city so I gotta get rid of them.
  2. docdubz

    Poults wont roost?

    I got some about 7 week old white broad breasted and some 3 week naragansetts and none of them want to roost at night. I've tried shelving, branches you name it they seem to just want to lay on the floor and crap on themselves. Is this normal or am I giving them the wrong roosts?
  3. docdubz

    Poults dying

    ...This morning I found 2 more dead and now there's another one that keeps falling over. Waters clean it looks like they are all eating and drinking unless some of them are only pretending to eat and drink. Their brooder is in my workshop and it is 90* outside. Not really sure what's wrong.
  4. docdubz

    Goose with swollen face/throat

    One of my geese has been sitting on a nest in the woods so I've been just letting her do her thing. She just came out to mingle with the flock and her head looks swollen. She seems to be fine otherwise, not hearing any wierd breathing sounds. Thoughts?
  5. docdubz

    Brooder height

    How high can poults fly by 3-4 weeks?
  6. docdubz

    Poults forgot how to eat

    I've had these poults for a couple days now and they were eating fine out of my hand but now they just peck at the game starter and spit it out. It looks like they've wasted most of the feed in their feeder this way too. Should I try giving them soaked crumbles or would that be a bad idea?
  7. docdubz

    Does this egg need help?!

    I went over to check on my momma goose because the last chick to hatch got squished. There was a stench coming from the nest and I saw this egg and assumed that's where the smell was coming from. I got halfway to the dumpster and noticed movement. It's pretty dry out but the goslings feathers...
  8. docdubz

    What breed is this?

    So a random hen decided to join my flock. No idea where she came from and doesn't look like any of my neighbors chickens.
  9. docdubz

    Sitting too long?

    I neglected to keep track of exactly when I noticed my goose sitting on her nest but yesterday was the latest that it could have been 38 days. Is it possible that because of cold weather incubation didn't start immediately or do I need to get her off the eggs?
  10. docdubz

    Tagging goslings

    What's the best way to tag goslings? I'd like to keep track of which are male and female from this hatch but I've failed badly in the past.
  11. docdubz

    How long can goose eggs sit?

    My geese have been laying a ton of eggs and not sitting. How long can I keep them at room temperature before they are unviable for hatching? What about for eating?
  12. docdubz

    First nests

    I thought I was going to have to wait til next year since this is only my embdens first winter but I found 3 nests this morning. They dont seem to be setting on them except to lay. Should I try to candle them or leave them alone?
  13. docdubz

    Goose nesting

    I have embdens that are going on a year old now. It looks like one of them might be building a nesting site. I know they usually arent ready to breed until 2 years old but is it possible that for them to breed this early?
  14. docdubz

    What are my chickens asking for?

    Ive been noticing for a while that my chickens are acting strange at feeding time. They are gathering in their "protesting for food" spot but when I feed them they are hardly interested in it and usually remain in the spot they go to when they want my attention. No health issues that I can...
  15. docdubz

    Outdoor aviary?

    My inner child has been nagging me to build an aviary. Im very close to pulling the trigger on building a nice sized one (im thinking 20x50). If I do I am going to plan to build it so that it can be walled/insulated during cold weather. Im having one heck of a time deciding what species I...
  16. docdubz

    Discouraging chickens from an area?

    Usually about 10 of my chickens wind up flying out of the run to free range during the day. They have plenty of great spots they could forage and roost but for some reason they go straight to my front porch where theres no shelter and no forage and by the morning it looks like a gorilla had...
  17. docdubz

    Rooster shrinking?

    A while ago I noticed that my main breeder rooster was looking a little skinnier. I thought maybe he had just molted to begin growing in his winter feathers but its now been over a month and on top of looking skinnier he is now also shorter by about 2 inches. He used to be a gigantic rooster...
  18. docdubz

    Geese not foraging?

    My geese stopped foraging about a month ago. Normally I would let them forage all day long and give them a scoop of feed an hour before sundown. Now, the only time I see them eat is if I feed them. Theres plenty of soft grass and plants growing but they ignore them. Anyone have any ideas why...
  19. docdubz

    Sexing embdens?

    I have 7 six month old embdens. When they were goslings a couple of them had weak sex linking so the best I could say was "they might be ganders, maybe?" I've tried vent sexing them but so far that hasnt gone well. Ive been trying to go by behavior instead. Theres one that I can definitely...
  20. docdubz

    Broody hen vs "fake broody"

    I have a lot of hens that pretend to be broody. They set up a nest and sit on it for a day or two and then abandon it. And then, I have my broody hen that has hatched chicks and takes such good care of them that its adorable. The only difference Ive noticed is the broody has always had a...
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