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  1. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    I had a Fayoumis Roo (he has since died). He was wonderful with the hens, pretty much ignored people, and dominant to other male birds. The hens I have that have Fayoumis in them have a temperment akin to White Leghorns...self-sufficient yet flighty around peolpe. My current Roo (Skylark...
  2. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Last photo-op for this guy. He's 20 weeks and officially an adult and established Rooster. I can't wait to hatch out some crosses between him and my hens...especially the SL Wyandottes. I think they will make pretty chickens, even if their eggs won't be large. Get a load of his comb. In the...
  3. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    My boy is all grown up! As of 3 days ago, the hens have warmed up to him and he has officially established himself as the Roo. I'm guessing he's a little early on starting to do his, errr, duties? (The Leghorn we ad didn't even start until 20wks...Skylark has been trying for 2 weeks now.)...
  4. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Your EF/Welsummer is looking good. I noticed she got the slate feet (from her dad(?), unless Welsummers have this also). All my EF crosses (pullets and cockerels) had that as well except the EF/BR crosses. They had yellow legs with slate fronts. Your Roo looks just like mine did, with the...
  5. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    ...feathers coming in...hated to let him go, but I can't afford to feed boys that I know I'm not going to keep). This one is "Jonas", a Leghorn/RIR*. (*Close enough) We'll be keeping this one, as well as Skylark. The other surviving boys ("Pepper" and "Knucklehead Jr") are being rehomed...
  6. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Photo update: Skylark is 14 weeks and the others are 10 weeks and 2 days. Skylark - He's still got some maturing to do, but it's easy to see how he'll fill out in time. If you recall from post #26, there was a chick that looked like Skylark's twin. That chick also ended up being a...
  7. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    After I typed that Knuclehead is that largest of the boys (as he has been for a few weeks now), I went back out to double check. Pepper is definitely larger if he/she is a boy, then Pepper is the largest of them now.
  8. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Fayoumis x BR - the largest of the 3 that are left, but also the least "manly". Sometimes I wonder if this is a pullet, except for the comb size. Fayoumis x EE - I had this one ("Pepper") pegged as a pullet, but now the tail feathers and it's attitude are screaming "cockerel". It often...
  9. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Update time: Skylark went into isolation for 4 days. Apparently it was just enough to cool him off and give the younger chicks a chance to man-up. They've been fine ever since, so we decided not to eat him. Here he is at 11 weeks old: And here are some random shots of the younger...
  10. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Thanks, but don't go out of your way for it. Though I certainly won't turn down meat. We lost 2 more in the past 2 days...I guess some just aren't as bright as others. One I was actually relieved about because it was one of the rattier looking cockerels. I also decided today that Skylark...
  11. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Well, there are now 17 chicks instead of 18. The little runt (see last 3 pics in Post #40) slipped through the fence to where the dogs stay. And the rest is history. On the bright side, the dog that got him/her (we have 2) had the decency to take the chick far back away from us so we didn't...
  12. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Last but not least, Skylark! Fayoumis x EE. He's starting to get some color in him at 8 weeks and 2 days old. (Yes, I am wearing PJ's...they're comfortable!) You can still see a couple of the ratty-looking tail feathers being replaced by those gorgeous shiny ones. His comb looks "pea"...
  13. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Here are some shots of the others: Leghorn pullet Leghorn cockerel Leghorn x Australorp (or) BR...hard to tell. Leghorn x Buff Brahma Bantam Leghorn x EE (notice the pea comb instead of a single comb) SURPRISE! This was supposed to be Leghorn x BR, but the chest feathers tell...
  14. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Fayoumis x BR (the "boys") I'll just post 1 pic each of them. There are 4 and they all look very similar. Some of the combs are just amazing. Keep in mind these are only 4.5 wks old. Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number 4
  15. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Next up are the Fayoumis x EE. There are also 3 of these, and 1 is MUCH smaller. I have been watching her and she is constantly in the feeder eating. I think she may have a problem actually getting food into her mouth, or she has some digestive disorder...hard to tell. I thought she might...
  16. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    ...of the Leghorns. At the very end I'll post an update of Skylark who has gone through some major changes the past week. Fayoumis x Australorp* 3 chicks, 2 photos each. They are numbered in the order I was able to catch them. (*They might also be Fay x BR females...I can only make an...
  17. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Very nice! The cross looks much like the Fayoumis Hen, only with an even coat of brown color spread throughout. Have you noticed anything particular about her behavior? Or is she just about the same as the other hens? Please post updates as she matures. I am very interested to see how her...
  18. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses the ripe old age of less-than-2-months. I think it's time to put him with the big girls. 4 of the chick at 4 weeks*. (*They'll be 4 weeks old in 2 days.) A Leghorn mix at top, 2 Fayoumis/BR's, and a Fayoumis/Australorp OR BR...not really sure. I think it'll be eaier...
  19. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Probably. RATS! Oh well, at least I know I've got an AWESOME cockerel who hopefully will be just as good a Roo later on! I mean, he just up and adopted 18 babies and has been raising them since he was only 4 weeks old. That is SO cool!
  20. davemonkey

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Thanks for the feedback Veer67. I'm thinking the same thing as you except that last one on the left of the bottom pic. It's behaving like a boy. But, I AM hoping it's a girl...I need more girls!
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