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  1. herwitsend

    Injured peachick

    I have a 7 week old peachick that one of my hens hatched . She has always been with Chicken Mama and was introduced to the rest of the flock of chickens 3 days ago. They free range in the day and are locked up at night. I noticed that the chick had a drooping wing yesterday, but I couldn't...
  2. herwitsend

    Very injured chick

    I have a 7 week old peachick that one of my hens hatched . She has always been with Chicken Mama and was introduced to the rest of the flock of chickens 3 days ago. They free range in the day and are locked up at night. I noticed that the chick had a drooping wing yesterday, but I couldn't...
  3. herwitsend

    Another gender ID post!

    This is Milosh, my 7 week old Black Shoulder. Any guesses about gender? There are several green feathers on the back of its neck/ between shoulders (of course I couldn't get them to show up in the photos) and around the eyes.
  4. herwitsend

    New peachick

    A friend gave me 4 peafowl eggs to set under my broody hen. One hatched on day 23, I think (while we were on vacation- set them so we would be home in time for the hatch, go figure). We came home on day 24 and the chick was totally dry and walking around with mama in the coop. She didn't want...
  5. herwitsend

    Breaking a broody using eggs about to hatch?

    I have a broody sitting on eggs due to hatch on 10/15. A second hen in my flock has gone broody and nothing seems to be working to break her. Can I just give her a couple of the eggs that will hatch next week? She doesn't have some internal calendar or something like that, does she? Any advice...
  6. herwitsend

    The wait is over!!

    Our 15 chicks we hatched are 26 weeks old today. I have been extremely anxious as NONE of them were laying yet!! My friend has 8 of the chicks I hatched at the same time and hers started laying at 20 weeks! Today I checked and...we got 3 tiny eggs!! I attribute the delay to a perfect storm...
  7. herwitsend

    Another heat exhaustion question!

    I have 2 barred rock hens who had heat exhaustion in the 110 degree heat 3 weeks ago. They seem to have recovered nicely and are back to their silly selves. Neither has laid since the incident. Do you think they are done? Will they lay for me again. They just turned a year. Anything I...
  8. herwitsend

    Broody question

    ...but there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to the contrary. Looks like they rarely go broody in their first year, after that, it's more common. I *could* put the eggs in the incubator, but I'm thinking I would rather not. If the chicks have a mama to care for them, okay, if I have to be...
  9. herwitsend

    Broody question

    My 2 year old leghorn was showing all signs of being broody. She sat for 3 days on 10 eggs and was very mean (screaming, raising hackles and attempting to bite) when we opened the egg door of the henhouse. So, I moved her last night (in the dark) to our spare coop. She has not sat at all today...
  10. herwitsend

    I wondered if you were still interested in a Roo. I only ended up with 4! I can send you pics...

    I wondered if you were still interested in a Roo. I only ended up with 4! I can send you pics if you are interested.
  11. herwitsend

    Friday's Derecho Storm on the East Coast

    On Friday the 29th we experienced a major storm (the same storm that took out trees and power along the East Coast). We lost over 50 trees on our property (10 were across our driveway!). During the storm, an ENORMOUS pecan tree in our back yard fell. It was all I could to to keep from...
  12. herwitsend

    Help me turn this into a coop!

    This was my thought, as well! I love the look of the building and my great grandfather built it. The roof is sound, as is the floor. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of how to set up the interior to divide the space, allow access to the outdoors for both sides...
  13. herwitsend

    New hen with my 8 week olds?

    I put her in with the littles and it has worked out great! She finally laid an egg today! She was so stressed out before and now she seems right at home. Thanks for encouraging me to try it!
  14. herwitsend

    Help me turn this into a coop!

    I have a corn crib in my yard that is not being used for anything right now (except junk storage). It is big. 12'x24' I would love to make a coop out of it. I am not sure where to begin. The walls are slatted for ventilating the corn, but obviously this is not suitable for housing chickens...
  15. herwitsend

    New hen with my 8 week olds?

    I have a new 1 year old white leghorn. She is not going to do well in my current flock. We have tried a bit of trial mingling and she is getting the crap beat out of her by the other hens. They are merciless, even with me standing with them. My question is, would it be wise to let her stay...
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