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  1. Lhynes1478

    Bantam Cochin sexes?

    It’s week 7 or so now. I’m thinking the two I suspected were pullets may just be (#1 and #4 here) the two cockerels are very obvious. (#2 and #3). Would these two suspected pullets have a chance of being late maturing cockerels at this point?
  2. Lhynes1478

    Bantam Cochin sexes?

    Thanks for the input! I hope we are right! 🤞
  3. Lhynes1478

    Bantam Cochin sexes?

    These same chicks are about 5.5 weeks now and wanted to update. Pretty sure I have 2 cockerels and 2 pullets. My past Cochins get very red very fast even as pullets, but the cockerels are more noticeable.
  4. Lhynes1478

    Bantam Cochin sexes?

    These four are about 4 weeks. Bantam blue or lavender Cochins. I think I maybe mixed up some of the numbers on the photos, but I tried. What do you think?! Thank you!
  5. Lhynes1478

    What breed is this feather-footed chick?

    That’s the closest thing I can find so far! Just weird looking. We will find out soon 😂 thank you!
  6. Lhynes1478

    What breed is this feather-footed chick?

    I was thinking that too, but I guess the feathered feet are throwing me off! Thank you. Time will tell 😂
  7. Lhynes1478

    What breed is this feather-footed chick?

    I think this was a surprise chick from Murray McMurray or Ideal poultry. No idea what it is. Has feathered feet and straight comb. Much larger than my bantams, but way less feathered than everyone else! They’re about 4wks old. Thank you!
  8. Lhynes1478

    Blue Cochin bantam- cockerels or pullets?

    Thank you! That’s what I’m thinking too. I will update! :)
  9. Lhynes1478

    What breed is this? Surprise chick!

    Thank you! I’m just thinking it’s so weird it doesn’t have barely any feathers compared to even the bantam Cochins. But I guess time will tell :)
  10. Lhynes1478

    What breed is this? Surprise chick!

    It has a straight comb. And yes to the feathered feet. It’s throwing me off because it’s feathered like my previous silkies, but it doesn’t look like a silkie. It has way less feathers than all of the others, but is larger.
  11. Lhynes1478

    What breed is this? Surprise chick!

    The batch this one came out of was Murray McMurray
  12. Lhynes1478

    What breed is this? Surprise chick!

    Coming on 4wks old. What breed is this? Able to tell sex? Thank you!
  13. Lhynes1478

    Blue Cochin bantam- cockerels or pullets?

    These guys hatched out 4/29/24or a few days before. So they’re going on 4 weeks old. Do you think these look like roos? Or is it too soon?
  14. Lhynes1478

    Cheap brooder!

    I’m glad to hear other peoples methods for the brooder as I’m pretty new to this! I tried to keep it as cheap as possible and as clean as possible too! I also use puppy pads, but just added pine shavings to 1/2 my brooder. I’m still not sure how I feel about it due to the dust. I came from...
  15. Lhynes1478

    Cheap brooder!

    It sounds like you have a great set up and great plans for the future. I am absolutely still learning (especially since switching from shipped day old chickens to quail hatching eggs) so all information and suggestions are so appreciated. I will look into the waste free feeders, as that has...
  16. Lhynes1478

    Cheap brooder!

    I hatched out about 30 Bobwhite quail as a first-timer a few days ago. I live in AK and the eggs shipped from Iowa taking 4 days in subzero winter temps. I got 30/43 eggs to hatch! I used the MaticoopX incubator from Amazon (amazing!!!) and now have moved them into the brooder. I used a tote...
  17. Lhynes1478

    Help!!! Is this an internal pip??

    I have 6 chicks out out of 37 so far. They just started zipping/hatching about 40 min ago! My only regret is not putting a cabinet liner in the bottom. Will do so next time :)
  18. Lhynes1478

    Help!!! Is this an internal pip??

    Update! I’ve got “almost” pips in half of the 37 eggs! Im not sure if these are big enough to give them air yet, but they’re trying!
  19. Lhynes1478

    Help!!! Is this an internal pip??

    Phew. Ok thank you sooo much! I candled them as I took them out of the turner for lockdown but definitely won’t look again! I hope all goes well. Thank you for the information!! 🥰
  20. Lhynes1478

    Help!!! Is this an internal pip??

    Day 20 bobwhite quail eggs. They hatch somewhere between 21-23 days. At 100°F with humidity of 50-55% for first 20 days. Just bumped humidity up to about 73% and left temp at 100°F for lockdown. I candled a few before lockdown and I’m not sure if these are internal pips? It’s already been about...
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