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  1. Shadowfire

    Review by 'Shadowfire' in article 'A Viewpoint on Handling Roosters: How to Deal with Aggression'

    Excellent info; I think a few more pictures would be better, but it's a very good read.
  2. Shadowfire

    Comment by 'Shadowfire' in article 'Phineas Huckabee (RIP) A Love Story'

    Aawwwww. Such a bittersweet story. So sorry for your loss, she sounds like such a wonderful chicken- I can't imagine what I would do without my pet rooster.
  3. Shadowfire

    Review by 'Shadowfire' in article 'THE QUEEN'S EMPIRE ♔ (a Chicken RP) Archives!'

    I love your chooks! Absolutely wonderful.
  4. Shadowfire

    What Breed Is Right For You?

    What breed of chicken is right for you? Below is a list of common breeds for beginners, with some of each breed's pros and cons. Australorp Good, dependable layer of brown eggs Dual purpose breed Calm and docile Roosters are less aggressive Good for cold climates...
  5. Bumblefoot in Chickens

    Bumblefoot in Chickens

    What is Bumblefoot? Bumblefoot is an bacterial infection that occurs on the feet of chickens, geese, turkeys, and other poultry. It enters via cuts or scratches on the foot and forms a pussy, waxy plug in the chicken's foot. Dirty or wet conditions can contribute to Bumblefoot, when dirty straw...
  6. My chooks

    My chooks

    Hi everyone. I have a mixed flock with four hens and a, *ahem* challenged rooster that has issues flying, walking, and is blind in one eye. He was attacked by a hawk when he was just a chick, and dropped form it's talons in mid-flight. He was left with a hole in his head and an injured leg; he...
  7. A

    Review by 'Anonymous' in article 'Egg Binding: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention'

    Great article on egg-binding, very informative; good for beginners.
  8. Shadowfire

    Review by 'Shadowfire' in article 'How To Raise Chickens'

    This is an excellent article, with breathtaking chicken photos and great information!
  9. Shadowfire

    Review by 'Shadowfire' in article 'Interesting Facts About Chicken Eggs'

    This is a very nice article about chicken eggs. Perfect for newbies. :)
  10. Shadowfire

    The bounties of chickens

    Most people immediately associate chickens with eggs. And yes, this is one of the main purposes of most chicken breeds, but they give us so many more things along with eggs that you might not think are a big deal- like their waste. Chicken poop is very nutritious, and after it's made into...
  11. Shadowfire

    Review by 'Shadowfire' in article 'Cleaning and storing fresh eggs'

    This is is great article, and I was glad you mentioned the bloom because not everyone knows about that and a lot of people leave it out. :yesss:
  12. Shadowfire

    Chicken speak: simple chicken terms

    Chicken terms are useful if you are just starting out with chickens and find yourself in a "What does that mean?" situation. Here are a few chicken terms that the beginning chicken-keeper should know or might need to know: Hen: An adult female chicken Rooster: An adult male chicken Roo: A...
  13. Shadowfire

    Some of the foods that chickens enjoy- a list of flock favorites

    All chickens like different things- but they usually favor similar foods, such as grass, eggs, seeds, berries, and corn. Here's a basic list of some chicken favorites. Corn Pretty much all chickens love corn. They can be fed cracked dried corn, but whole kernels of dried corn are usually too...
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