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  1. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    Guess what! The broodies tossed out another egg this afternoon. This one was cold too. I opened it. Inside I could clearly sea the embryo, the small chick was dead too. Probably 15-16 days old. Probably these 2 are the chicks from last night. So now I am waiting for the other two the broodies...
  2. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    Yes, Tintin was in the run with the 4 non-broodies. Tintin is allowed to go everywhere the other non-broodies can go too. I only blocked the part of my set-up where the broods are + a small run. The roost area of the other hens closes after sun set and opens after sunrise. Tintin doesn't want...
  3. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    It was difficult to get Tintin in the run earlier this evening We had a dinner party and I didnt want him outside on his own. 😢 When we came back home I checked the chickens whereabouts. The two broodies are sitting together in a nest again. There are 4 semi-warm eggs in the other nest. I'm...
  4. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    More interventions today. Tintin was disturbing the broodies. He wanted to (did) take a nap in a nest box with one of the broodies. He probably misses the care of his mommy Pearl. But the broodies got restless and I really don’t want him there. Certainly not next week with little chicks he...
  5. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    The broodies are doing great in the 2 nestboxes whole day. Around sunset Tintin thought he could sleep in his usual spot, so I took him out and put him in the tiny coop with the auto door and locked him up inside. ——- When I went to check at 23.00 h , he was back in his usual nest-box ...
  6. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    Today is a lot better! I sure hope so too. When I let the chickens free range and filled up an empty bowl and gave clean water. Ini mini came down from the nestbox area. I cleaned out ‘Tintins’ nestbox and made a good nest for the broodies. Then I put Black outside to eat and drink. Laid the...
  7. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    I had no good opportunity to candle the hatching eggs from under the broodies yesterday morning. Added just one from the incubator. And kept the incubator going. I was not happy yesterday evening when I got home at 18 h. One of the broodies pooped in the nest. I have several dirty eggs now...
  8. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    Egg candling broodies & incubator Yesterday evening before I went to bed (already tired) I candled eggs for the second time. 6 eggs under Black and Ini mini, candled 3 eggs: Took the first one out. I could see through 👀 There was no number on it. Then I realised it was an egg from...
  9. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    I wonder if I should interfere in Tintins upbringing by Pearl. He is stil nurtured, sleeps in a nest-box and doesn’t roost at all. It’s about time he starts to poop from the roost. On the other hand it’s not inconvenient if he doesn’t roost when his mother leaves him. That way it’s easier to...
  10. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    No update. In this post I’m sharing my experience and solution with broodies who prefer to sit in a prefab where the hens usually lay their eggs. The nestbox/upstairs area in the prefab is a spot thats not safe without a few adjustments because 2 day old chicks can go down but not up a...
  11. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    Duplicate from Shads thread:. Tintin is bigger now as his momma. The photo doesn’t show but trust me he really is bigger. 9 weeks and still sleeping with mamma Pearl in a nest box, next to the 2 broodies. Eggs are all growing ;) Black an Ini mini both came off to eat, drink and poop. Black...
  12. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    In the meanwhile I candled all the eggs. All 10 were fertile and started to grow. Even the embryo in the egg that rolled out from under the broodies and was getting cold (#1), developed normally. The other 3 eggs in the incubator are visibly a bit behind. I put the eggs in 1.5 days after I...
  13. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    I found it works different than with the coops. The idea is that you have bought this item too and share your opinion on the product. Not meant to give a review on the writer. ;):gig
  14. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    I don’t know how you did this. I got a message you rated the article but I don’t see it. 🤣 @Molpet did it right. ;) Thank you’ll
  15. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    This morning I heard Tintin trying to crow. 🐸
  16. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    I posted the HDD 4 egg incubator in the reviews section for people who search for info on incubators. Nice if you give a few stars for my review.
  17. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    Review 4 egg HHD incubator : In this tiny incubator I can only turn the 55g eggs up and down. Strange I have to turn the eggs up and down, especially when they develop later in the process. I believe it is more natural to lay the eggs sideways and roll them over to the other side. But in this...
  18. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    So far so good! I did candle 4 of the eggs from underneath the broodies. They are underneath the broody from Wednesday evening. The torch I have to candle is broke. Therefore I used my mobile with the ring of the candle torch. It worked but didn’t get a clear image of the veins. After 5 whole...
  19. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    I think the Amrocks will resemble the size and build of Katrientje. Today I picked up the 4eggs-mini brooder. Because one egg was not under the 2 broodies yesterday evening, I thought it might be a good idea to start the machine anyway. The 3 hatchery eggs I hadn’t put in the nest started 1.5...
  20. BDutch

    BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

    ❣️You could let her sit for 3 weeks on a couple of her own eggs ;). She looks so wonderful I wouldn’t mind to have her offspring. Great for Chipie to have a few daughters of about the same size. 😍 Hope you dont mind my silly response. I know you dont want more chickens and certainly not more...
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