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  1. Grind Hard Farm

    Is this egg okay?

    Yes, she's not sitting on any, she's just going to raise the chicks when they hatch. I usually buy chicks from tractor supply and last month I started incubating eggs, so this is my first time having a broody hen and chicks hatching under her. As I said before she had 25 eggs under her and...
  2. Grind Hard Farm

    Is this egg okay?

    Some eggs weren't fertilized so we did a test to see if they were still good to eat. 10 looked like they were about to hatch so I gave them back to Humble. Is 10 too much? I put 16, including the one with no air sac, in the incubator. The picture I uploaded to this forum is the 10 eggs she's...
  3. Grind Hard Farm

    Is this egg okay?

    Should I put the egg in the incubator to see if it grows?
  4. Grind Hard Farm

    Is this egg okay?

    Humble went broody last month and a baby hatched! She was sitting on 25 eggs and I candled them today. 10 of them looked ready to hatch so I gave them back to her, and I put a couple in the incubator. One of them looked odd though. There is no air sac and I wanted to know if any development is...
  5. Grind Hard Farm

    Broody Hen, no hatching

    Thanks! I'll do that
  6. Grind Hard Farm

    Broody Hen, no hatching

    I bought an incubator last month on the 8th. One of my hens, Humble, went broody during that week. Humble is currently sitting on 25 eggs. Last week, I found a broken egg, I inspected it, and saw some development. She's been sitting on some eggs since May 9th and also new eggs. So it's old eggs...
  7. Grind Hard Farm

    Big Crop

    Our chicks who are 8 days old have big crops. Is it normal? If not, what could I do to reduce the size?
  8. Grind Hard Farm

    Thanks for following :)

    Thanks for following :)
  9. Grind Hard Farm

    Just Inquiring...Can Geese Survive off Grass?

    They need other sorts of nutrition than just grass.
  10. Grind Hard Farm

    First Time Incubating eggs

    Our chicken eggs hatched on Wednesday last week, day 21!
  11. Grind Hard Farm

    New member

  12. Grind Hard Farm

    What breed is Stanisław?

    To me he looks like a phoenix rooster
  13. Grind Hard Farm

    How many chickens have you had over the years

    Ain't no telling for me :idunno
  14. Grind Hard Farm

    Survey on what people are raising.

    I raise chickens and turkeys. Tried to raise quail but they didn't make it. Going to try again soon
  15. Grind Hard Farm

    9 Quail Babies

    Thank you ❤️
  16. Grind Hard Farm

    9 Quail Babies

    There were some moments when they huddled and when they spaced out. But I did start with just the game bird feed and they didn't eat it. As I said, they ate some of the spinach and tasted the feed by itself but didn't want it.
  17. Grind Hard Farm

    9 Quail Babies

    Yeah, I hoped so too. Sadly they didn't make it. Thanks for your help though, it helps.
  18. Grind Hard Farm

    9 Quail Babies

    You have. One of the three that was weak died, 2 are still with us. One is folded over (some of them were like that, like they don't have control of their head/neck) and the other is moving around a lot, what a strong one.
  19. Grind Hard Farm

    9 Quail Babies

    Thank you. I also think maybe it was because of the lamp, it's a regular desk lamp. I'm looking into buying a heating plate now
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