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  • Users: redsoxs
  • Content: Threads
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  1. R

    Geese and raccoons

    As a rookie goose owner I had a question. I have 5 geese - 2 Chinese, 3 Pomerian Saddlebacks. They are about 3 months old. They range close to my house during the day and at night I put them in the 3 X 8 chicken tractor to protect them from predators. To my question: is there ever an...
  2. R

    Re-entering the flock

    Hello, All. After a couple year absence from BYC, I have returned. Thought I'd reintroduce myself here on the new member forums. I'm from north central Kansas and have been raising various poultry breeds and types for many years. Looking forward to getting re-acquainted with old friends as...
  3. R

    Another broody question

    I know the broody issue has be exhaustively discussed on BYC but I can't find the answer to my question. For whatever reason I had 4 hens go broody almost simultaneously. I've never had difficulties breaking them of broodiness before but it's always been one bird at a time. So, my...
  4. R

    Help for a friend

    Hey all...I have had good luck with my birds from a health perspective. Today a friend emailed me that she was having a problem with one of her hens. I don't know what's up but hope you might??? Thanks in advance! Here's what she wrote: I have a chicken question. One of our hens has not...
  5. R

    Hail Yes!

    So, two days ago on my drive home from work the radio forecast is ominous - quarter to golf ball sized hail heading my way. My chickens were free ranging and there was no way to bring them back to the coop - what finally did was how dark the sky was getting. Then the hail started - small at...
  6. R

    Kansas poultry and egg producers

    Greetings from a fellow Kansan and ! Great to have you here!
  7. R

    Temp Question

    I have a very newbie question. Brand new at incubating. I put 12 room temp (70 degrees) eggs into the incubator today. It had been holding at a steady 99.5 degrees for hours and hours before I added the eggs. I would expect the temp to go down when I took off the lid and added the eggs that...
  8. R

    Taking the plunge!

    Well, tomorrow is the big day - my first eggs go into the incubator. I am incredibly nervous. I've read a lot on this forum, the wonderful article by Sally Sunshine, and picked the brain of Sumi. So, I feel prepared but still apprehensive. I have a Little Giant still air that I turned into...
  9. R

    Pure Buff Orps???

    Hi, Buff Lovers....I hope I can intrude with a question. I have a big mixed flock of chickens, including some Buff Orps. It wasn't until I found BYC that I learned that sometimes hatcheries don't sell "pure" lines. I am writing because I work with a lady who is looking for pure heritage Buff...
  10. R

    A dead chicken

    Wondering how worried I should be. I have a mixed group of 19 (now 18) hens & pullets and one rooster. Hens are are about 13 months old - pullets about 6 months old. They are in a run of adequate size during the day and free range in the evenings for 4 or 5 hours when I'm home plus all day on...
  11. R

    Keep a Name/Drop a Name

    How about this for a game. Just like Keep a Word/Drop a word, but this time with names people recognize...celebrities, athletes, authors, politicians, etc. The names can even be fictional character names! Hope it hasn't been done apolgies if it has. For instance, if I started...
  12. R

    What predator is this?

    Hey...I'm sure this has been asked but please help. A neighbor of mine raises chickens...found a dead one near the coop with only head and neck eaten. What critter uses this method? Thanks!
  13. R

    Canning Potatoes - Help!

    I need help from someone with potato canning experience! I have quite a bit of experience canning but never tried potatoes until last week. I need to know how the finished product should look - specifically the liquid in the jars. I went by the book and got a good seal on all 7 quarts...
  14. R

    Do different duck breeds get along?

    Sorry...kind of a novice question, I know. I am ordering some ducks in a couple of days from Metzer's. I have had pekins in the past but was planning on a mixed order this time of rouens, buffs, white crested, Black Swedish, and jumbo pekins. If I get them all as day old ducklings will they...
  15. R

    Thinking about getting into pheasants...

    I need some help so I thought I should go to the experts - all of you on this forum. I am not new to poultry but have zero experience with pheasants. So I hope you will excuse my ignorance on the subject. I am interested in raising them to eat so I would be grateful to any information on this...
  16. R

    Pin feathers at 15 weeks??

    Hi - I'm pretty new to the duck world. So far it has been great. My only surprise is how much of a mess they can make! Anyway, I have some pekins that are ready for processing...or past processing time...or in between processing times???? I just don't know. I've read lots of posts on here...
  17. R

    This means war!

    It happened again!! I posted a couple days ago about losing a Black Australorp hen a week or so ago under mysterious circumstances. A search came with with zip. Well, today the bandit struck again in the mid day heat. I went out to give everyone fresh water at 1:30 today. Went out again at...
  18. R

    My first loss

    Well, it finally happened. Lost my first bird under mysterious circumstances a couple days ago. Not sure what got her. My 12 mixed flock layers I got as chicks last August. They free range every day but are locked up tight at night. I have lost two meat chickens to this unbearable heat but...
  19. R

    Butchering Age

    Hi...I have a rookie duck question. I have looked back in the archives about the best age for butchering ducks - I have 5 pekins and 1 Cayuga. I also did research on the net but find ambiguous answers. Basically, I don't want a pin feather fiasco to ruin my first foray into processing ducks...
  20. R

    If you could meet one person from history

    This may have been done in this past, as I'm kind of new to BYC, but here goes: If you could have a 10 minute conversation with someone from history, who would that be and why? Rules: The person can be still be living. Please keep it family friendly and don't put things about meeting...
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