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  1. bungaree chickens

    EE roo. yes?

    This is a rooster, I know....but before I give him away (since I can't have roos in town) I just wanted some expert opinions. He is 12 weeks:
  2. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    I bought these from a local hatchery as Rhode Island reds, but they don't look like any that I have seen. I thought they would get darker, but they aren't..what do you think they are? They are 7 weeks. They are supposed to be pullets, I am a little worried that they aren't that either. The...
  3. bungaree chickens

    EE(auracauna) rooster FREE to a good home (corvallis, OR)

    I have a 12 week auracauna roo, that needs to move from our city home to the country. He is not fiesty, but sweet and has not been at all aggressive. Let me know if you are interested, I live in corvallis. send me an email at: bethany[dot]canfield(at)gmail[dot]com or comment on this post
  4. bungaree chickens

    is whiny dead??UPDATE!!!SHE DIED ):

    I went out this morning and Whinny, our littlest chicken, and always very whinny was dead! So I brought her in the house and she will move a little. As in she looks completely dead, and listless but if I put water on her beak she will open it and move her tung around. I can't see that she is...
  5. bungaree chickens

    americaucana pullets or roos?!help please?

    Could all you experts help me out? I have found a some chickens in my area. I am in search of pullets though since my city does not allow roos. I love americaunas, and am so pleased to have found someone who has some for sale. The only think is that she does not know if they are pullets or roos...
  6. bungaree chickens

    OREGON:I need 2 Americana chicks or pullets

    Can anyone help me?? I want to buy two Americana chicks (day olds) or pullets. Please let me know if you know of anything or have anything for sale! I live in Corvallis Oregon. Thanks a million!!!
  7. bungaree chickens

    some newbe questions, about my coop! HELP ME PLEASE!

    I have a question about the floor, I decided to put in galvanized 19 gauge hardware cloth along the floor of the hen house, because I had seen it in some coops and thought it would be easy to clean. I just got my chickens, and they are young (8 weeks) they seem to not want to walk on the floor...
  8. bungaree chickens

    I need Chickens!!(oregon)

    I just built my chicken tractor, and I really need chickens! The city does not allow roosters at all so I need to be sure I don't even have to deal with getting them to someone else (my husband is supportive, but not really a chicken man, so I need things to go smoothly). So, does that rule out...
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