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  1. riverchicks

    Is there any reason I cannot put this in our temp coop today?

    So, I went out to our brush pile and picked out a nice branch for the girls to roost on. I took off all the bark, it was kind of nasty and I would like to put this in our temporary coop for my ladies. The wood is damp. Is it okay to put this in there now or should I wait for it to dry out? There...
  2. riverchicks

    Building the coop...

    Here are a few pictures showing the process of building our new coop. Hopefully DH can get some more done today when he gets home from work, if the weather holds. My babies are currently in the garage in our non-secure chicken tractor. They got too big to keep indoors any longer. They are six...
  3. riverchicks

    Wood chips or sand? Wood chips or sand? Help me choose please!

    I can't decide what to use in the outdoor covered run for my ladies. I've heard good things about both. I know my girls like to search and scratch around in our wood chips/landscaping mulch when they are roaming but will that be too much moisture in the run for them. I don't want to grow any...
  4. riverchicks

    Will roosting chickens face the windows...

    We are in the process of building our coop. We will have two roost bars along two of the walls, each will have a 2-3 foot wide window in the middle of the wall. My question is this, will the chickens prefer to roost facing the windows or facing the inside of the coop? I'm trying to figure out...
  5. riverchicks

    Greetings from Wisconsin!

    Late this spring, my husband's friend offered us four laying hens he could no longer keep within the village. Another friend also gave us a chicken tractor. We had been thinking of getting chickens for awhile for our boys to enjoy, so we didn't hesitate to take everybody up on their free offers...
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