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  1. GooseyMcGee

    Is a breeder pen a good idea?

    We have 10 hens and a rooster. He's general a calm rooster when it comes to use humans. He's never aggressive toward me. However, the hens look terrible. They're missing a ton of feathers on their backs. He have checked for mites and other bugs but it's not they case. It's definitely the rooster...
  2. GooseyMcGee

    Chickens missing a lot feathers.

    All of our chickens are missing feathers. Some are missing more than others. Especially on their mid to lower backs. One in particular is missing a lot of fluff feathers. She is looking pretty bad. We checked for mites and didn't see any visible signs of mites. We haven't really observed them...
  3. GooseyMcGee

    How big should the chicks be to go in the coop with rooster?

    I have a set of chicks that are 8 weeks old. They currently live in a small pen away from the big chicken coop. We have a 5 hens and a big rooster in the coop so I'm little worried they will get picked on. How old should they be before I do this?
  4. GooseyMcGee

    Will my chickens mind going on the coop after free ranging?

    We have raised some chicks. They are not fully grown yet so they don't live in the coop with the adult chickens and the rooster. They spend the nights and morning in a small pen. During they day we let them free range around our yard. Soon will have to move another set of chicks into the pen and...
  5. GooseyMcGee

    What other breed can I match-up with my Chinese gander?

    I have a male White Chinese goose who is looking for a mate. He has already had another chinese goose and an african goose for a mate but they have been killed by coyotes (Poor geese). Both of those breeds are very loud. What other breeds of goose will his pick as a mate?
  6. GooseyMcGee

    Will my chinese goose ever be so nice?

    He have a one year old Chinese goose named Steve. He isn't extremely aggressive but he can be a jerk sometimes. He'll sometimes charge you if you make him upset. Anyway, my girlfriend and I went to a local lake to see their geese. They only had few. They had two toulouse, a canada, and Chinese...
  7. GooseyMcGee

    Is there anyway to keep there pool clean?

    I have three month old ducks and two month old geese. I have a small plastic children's pool in their penned in area. They love to go in there and play but they also love to poop in it. The water turns brown in only a few hours. Is there anyway I keep it cleaner?
  8. GooseyMcGee

    Is my Buff Duck going to die?

    Same little guy from before... I guess it's unrelated to anything with feathers.. Anyway, early today he was walking with a limp. He was laying down a lot. We had to take him away from the other ducks and geese because he was getting stepped on. He wasn't happy about it. He freaked out and...
  9. GooseyMcGee

    Buff Duckling Losing All His Feathers

    We have a three week old buff duck. He seems to be losing a ton of his yellow feathers. The peking ducks in the flock haven't been losing theirs. Are we do something wrong? Or do buff ducks lose there down faster.
  10. GooseyMcGee

    Buff Ducking Missing Feather

    I have a two week old buff duckling. He seems like he's losing some yellow fluffy feathers on his side near his wing. Is this normal?
  11. GooseyMcGee

    What will happen when we mix our flocks?

    We already have a pair of Chinese geese. They are each about a year old and live out on there pond. We just bought two female Africans, a pair of peking ducks, and a male buff. We will raise the new guys inside until they are big enough to go the pond. How will they react to each other? Will...
  12. GooseyMcGee

    Will my females be lonely?

    We just picked up our two new African geese. They are both female and will be raised with two male ducks and a female duck. We do have a year gander on the pond but he's already paired up with his goose. Will the two new girls be lonely without a male companion?
  13. GooseyMcGee

    Geese in cold weather....

    Would Chinese Geese hold up well being outside in the cold winters of the North East?
  14. GooseyMcGee

    Is my goose done laying for the season?

    Mable, our year old goose, starting laying at the beginning of March. She has laid one egg about every two days. So, with that math she's laid forty eggs (probably close to thirty in reality). She's been sitting on her nest continuously for the past three days without laying. Is she done...
  15. GooseyMcGee

    Geese and Ducks.

    Tomorrow we are going to get our new additions to our flock. We will be picking up three peking duckings as well two African goslings. We have successfully raised geese before. I am planning on raising these ducks the same way we raised the geese. Is this a good idea? Also, we will be...
  16. GooseyMcGee

    Why is my goose sitting on an empty nest....

    We have been taking her eggs since she start laying because she's in a very unsafe stop from coyotes and he didn't want her incubate. Today, she laid an egg, I took it, but then she came back to sit in her spot. She remained there until late tonight when I chased her away. She usually lays an...
  17. GooseyMcGee

    Would A Rooster Crow to Warn About Coyotes?

    Would a rooster crow to let his hens know there was coyotes lurking around the pen?
  18. GooseyMcGee

    Molting Season?

    My Chinese geese are looking a little raggedy. Is this the time of year when they molt?
  19. GooseyMcGee

    Is my goose not getting better.

    she got caught in some fishing line. Nasty wounds under wind, she's limping. Today, I'm not sure how she's doing. She's still not moving much and her bill is light and discolored. However, she did lay an egg last night. Will she be okay?
  20. GooseyMcGee

    Injured Goose Help!!

    My goose has been injured. She has been laying so it probably happened when she waiting for the egg to come out. I noticed she didn't come across the pond to eat. I went to check on here and she had some dried blood under her wing and she's limping. It seems like it happened two days ago...
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