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  1. buffbrahmaboy

    Butcher Without Evisceration

    I have two cockerels still alive from my last batch of day-olds. I should have processed them months ago with the rest but didn't and now it's cold out. I'm going to get rid of them but can't use the scalding pot or outside water source right now so picking and safe evisceration would be...
  2. buffbrahmaboy

    Strange Cockerel

    This is the first time I've introduced new cockerels to a flock. Last April I purchased 26 day-olds and beat the odds. Eighteen pullets and eight cockerels. Five weeks ago I introduced the pullets to my existing flock with few problems. Shortly after that I selected and introduced two of the...
  3. buffbrahmaboy

    Killing Cone Method Question

    So far I've processed 14 cockerels and have three to go. I'm self taught (thanks BYC) because I didn't know anyone to show me in person. I'm comfortable doing them in batches of three using a killing cone. Can I get some tips on finding the exact location to make the cut? My birds didn't...
  4. buffbrahmaboy

    Check out my coop, run, and processing station

    I'm allowed to post pictures now so I set up my BYC page. Check it out.
  5. buffbrahmaboy

    New in the Okanagan

    Hi. I'm new at raising chickens but getting into the routine with (thankfully) few problems. I started researching about a year ago and decided I wanted to raise a single breed heritage type flock. Originally I chose Chantecler but was unable to obtain timely delivery so instead purchased 26...
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