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  1. OldChurchEggery1

    Hen trapped under a feed tub

    This morning I went out to do the normal chores and when I flipped over a rubber feed tub in the run, there was a hen underneath! I use long, narrow box-type feeders for dry feed like pellets and use the black rubber tub-style feeders for wet things like left over breakfast cereal, veggies gone...
  2. OldChurchEggery1

    Did your power go out? Don't chuck those eggs yet!

    I set eggs back on the 20th and our power went out during the series of tornadoes over the weekend. The electricity went out around 8 PM on Saturday. It still had not been restored by 1 PM Sunday, so we packed up and went to a relative's home to escape the 102 degree heat. Sometime that...
  3. OldChurchEggery1

    Respiratory infections/Vaccinations and broody hens- chick transmission?

    For people who have kept their hens rather than culling after a respiratory illness, did these hens ever transmit to chicks they brooded? If you vaccinate your birds against infections, do you let vaccinated hens brood chicks? There was an article in Backyard Poultry earlier this year about...
  4. OldChurchEggery1

    Our take on a chicken tractor (Picture heavy)

    We decided to build a new chicken tractor to house some of our early December hatch. I took pictures as my husband built in case anyone wants to replicate. The whole thing is 4x6. The denizens waiting for me to pull it forward for them. The roofing is Ondura and the whole thing is light...
  5. OldChurchEggery1

    My hatch results from BYC seller "bargain"

    Just want to put a good word in for the eggs I received from Nancy of the Garry Farm. I left feedback after I received the eggs saying they all arrived safe and sound, but I thought a follow-up on how the hatch went would be something of use to the community. I received the following: 4 Wheaten...
  6. OldChurchEggery1

    Processing Ameraucanas- advice?

    So, this weekend I processed some of my Australorp cockerels and a spare Ameraucana. I know Ameraucanas are not your typical meat bird, but I have too many and figured I'd give it a shot. I have a long, slender hand and I still had trouble pulling everything out. I've never used any of the...
  7. OldChurchEggery1


    I've noticed there are a lot of posts where someone will pose a question and within an hour demand to know why no one has responded. A lot of times these seem like common questions that have been answered in a number of times if you just search for them, like what temperature to keep a brooder...
  8. OldChurchEggery1

    Farmer's almanac and setting eggs

    Every year I get a farmer's almanac from the Farm Bureau booth at the state fair. Last year I used the table in the back that had "best dates to..." do all sorts of things based on the zodiac. There were entries for planting seeds, cutting fence posts, and hatching eggs. Now, coincidence or not...
  9. OldChurchEggery1

    Dark Eggs Daily- Wheaten Marans

    I've never visited this section of the forum before and there's certainly a lot of information here. I wanted to talk about my experience with Dark Eggs Daily, not to complain, but to give some praise where it's due. I hope it doesn't conflict with any rules. I just had a really good experience...
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