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  • Users: Vyraal
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  1. Vyraal

    GIANT HEAD WOUND need help asap

    Hey needed a catchy title sorry, my rooster has been shredded pretty badly and i need to know if theres anything i can do for him. Already super glued the wound shut and hes....ok, but i dont know what else to do.
  2. Vyraal

    New rooster, unknown issue

    Hey again all, got a new roo and needed to know what the issue was for sure before i started treatment.
  3. Vyraal

    Goose hatching eggs/gosling

    Apologies if this isnt the right section, but i was wondering if anyone knew of any well known places that sell geese hatching eggs and or goslings as im looking to purchase one.
  4. Vyraal

    New cockerel, unknown breed

    Hey all, bought a new cockerel at our dairy and was wondering if you guys knew what breed he was. Hes a fine little thing, very sweet, and goodness is he pretty!
  5. Vyraal

    Chick with nasty sinus infection, mucus, discharge

    In off the year and a half ive had chickens, ive never had one get a sinus infection, and i have no idea how to treat it. This little couple week old chicks eyes are swelled up to the point where the right one almost wont open, and the discharge from the poor thing is causing its food to get in...
  6. Vyraal

    Unabsorbed yolk or intestine?

    New hatch is a little weak but getting stronger every hour, but i cant exactly tell if this is yolk or intestine, and i dont know what to do about it.
  7. Vyraal

    Aftermath of Heat Stroke

    So we found my chicken laying passed out in the coop after heat stroke, gave her a lukewarm to slightly cold bath, and now her body temp is down a lot and shes resting. Anything special i can do to make her feel better or keep her in higher health other than a bit of gatorade, yogurt, scrambled...
  8. Vyraal

    First bomb

    So, i was cleaning out the coop of eggs that had been in there to long, and fresh ones to eat, and i decided, ehy, i know these eggs are dead, lets see whats inside them! Well, never again. After the first, i went to crack open the second, and BAM, rotting chicken goop in my eyes and nose and on...
  9. Vyraal

    First chickens first chicks!

    My first ever rooster Hedwig helped bring our first little chicks into this world with his two favorite gals, the ever broody Gidget and fluffybutt Peanut, and here they are!
  10. Vyraal

    First time broody! Setting on 7 eggs

    My first hen has gone broody on 7 eggs, a couple hers, a couple our second hens, and i was wondering if there where any tips or tricks to help her out? She gets up and eats and poops fine, but i want this to be as succefcssful as possible!
  11. Vyraal

    Problem solved!

    Hey again guys, this morning around 7 am my neighbor brought me a young bird that I've done a little research on and believe to be a Japanese quail, if not one of our native quail. It's got a nasty scaly leg mite infection and was spotted alone, and in this neighborhood that means its now an...
  12. Vyraal

    It's over, she's out of her misery

    What I believes to be wry neck on my favorite chicken I now believe to be mareks, but honesty I need some other people's experience. I really don't want to put her down if it's something treatable so I just need some help here. Her symptoms are the inability to use her good leg, but she can...
  13. Vyraal

    Yet another pullet or cockerel thread

    Hello all I have what I believe to be a small cockerel but I wanted a more experienced eye to confirm this belief. This chick is an approx 12 or 13 week old Dominique with a growth disorder and is pretty small still for is age. Ok, I'm having one hell of a time uploading this video so I can...
  14. Vyraal

    Possible Leg Amputation needed, need advice asap

    I don't have a picture currently but I have a 9 week old chick with a severe splay leg/messed up joint problem. I got her to late to fix the issues and its just gotten progressivley worse, so I've been considering amputation. I don't think I could do it myself so I was wondering if any of you...
  15. Vyraal

    Guess how old i am? The chick edition

    For lack of a better title, id like to play a game. Guess how old the Dominique chick on the left is, and i'll tell you now, the chick on the right is an approx. 2 and a half week old EE.
  16. Vyraal

    Need help ASAP week old chick with tip of thumb sized boil on leg

    So my bad chick luck ensues, this time with my permanantly bent legged chicks leg getting infected and growing some sort of boil like thing...hard to explain, question is what do I do? I don't have any access to upload a picture right now but I can explain it, its on the joint, swollen, very...
  17. Vyraal

    Guess who got a splayed leg baby?

    My heartstrings were pulled when I was out buying a chick, and one quickly turned to three, Ameraucaunas that is. I bought two and was offered the splayed leg free, what bleeding heart could say no? So currently I'm monitering it to see how well its walking is and admiring the little things...
  18. Vyraal

    Second post and its still not a good one, EDIT video on page 2 help..

    Hey ya'll, bad news after my first post. The flea problem is cleared but I lost 3 of the 5 chicks, one choked to death and we couldn't reach the problem, and the other two of unknown causes. Now I'm down to my last two and I am absolutely terrified of loosing them too. So here's the problem, a...
  19. Vyraal

    URGENT couple day old silkie chicks have what seem to be fleas+eyes on

    2 of the 5 were sealed shut?I posted this on yahoo first but was recommended to come here so here it is. I'm not a commercial breeder, but a pet owner, and I already adore these little chooks, but there seems to be a little flea problem in the brooder, and a couple of them had their eyes...
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