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  1. MyHappyChicks

    First hatch set ever. :-)

    I am praying to egg gods that this works the way I hope. I have had chicks before but never pulled the eggs from the birds before to hatch. I picked up a sportsman due to the amount of eggs it will hold at a time. I only set 27 to try and see how I do with it. I got my temp at 100 on the dot and...
  2. MyHappyChicks

    BYC Swim Team

    Well guess I should have looked before I went to work. I can't believe that after all these years I finally have a bird that wanted to try out for the BYC SWIM TEAM. I don't know what event she was trying out for might have been the breast stroke. I didn't see my sons star when I went to work...
  3. MyHappyChicks

    Back inthe saddle again

    Hi everyone. My name is Cliff and just as the heading said we are back in the saddle again. Amazing what you get into when you have time on your hands. This is going to really be fun now that my boys are old enough to really get into having chickens. 12 years back my wife just had to get...
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