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  1. ccstarbuckle

    Aggressive black sexlink!

    Hey yall, I have 3 established chickens, one of which is a very large black sexlink. Last spring, I added 4 more chicks and by the time they were large enough, I put them in the chicken yard with the older girls. Since then the black chicken goes nuts on them all the time, chasing them down and...
  2. ccstarbuckle

    Dog injury need suggestions on wound care!

    My favorite chicken just got attacked by a dang dog. It took her feathers out and consequently, the skin on the back of her neck, above her wing blades. it's about a 2 inch patch exposed when I look under her feathers. I"m finding conflicting advice about how to treat. Details: her mouth...
  3. ccstarbuckle

    Busted! Found the secret nest.

    So, I thought our chickens had stopped laying eggs over the last 2 weeks because they had been pigging out on all the raspberries and blackberries in their yard. But yesterday when I thought our lemon amerucana was stuck and wedged into a bramble, she had left by the time I got back with my...
  4. ccstarbuckle

    Chicken taken this am. Ok to add chicks?

    So, my wonderful copper maran was killed by a raccoon this morning. So now I have 3 hens left but am wondering if I should get 8 week old pullets now or wait until next spring. It's at the tail end of chick season here. Irridessa (RIP) was the alpha so as far as the psychology goes, I don't...
  5. ccstarbuckle

    1 year old chicken, no eggs for last 3 days?

    Hi Y'all! Sooo, I have a chicken, wellsummer, just turned 1 year old and for the last 3 days, she hasn't laid any eggs that I have seen. She's a little skittish and not particularly people friendly but she's been laying once a day with the other girls. She's at the bottom of the hierarchy and...
  6. ccstarbuckle

    Lemon EE, feathers falling out, 24 weeks old, no eggs?

    Hi there! I have a lemon EE, and about 80% of the feathers in the chicken yard are hers. She had hopped the fence about a month ago and our dog tried to "help" me catch her. Luckily, she survived but has been tossing feathers ever since. Do you think she'll ever lay eggs? Our dog tries to...
  7. ccstarbuckle

    Integrating single pullet?

    Hi all, I have a small flock of 5 pullets. all about 16 to 17 weeks old. A friend lost her chickens all except for one and she's about the same age if not a lil bit older. So my questions is, would it be safe to integrate one chicken into the flock? Or should it really be two at a time at...
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