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  1. vikkiangelic

    Where can i buy Oxine AH in the UK?

    Hello Ive read all about oxine AH (the one that doesnt need activating and it sounds perfect for what i need. one of my hens has been sneezing and sounding raspy for a few months, and now another has it-i dont want it to spread further. Ive no where to separate them, so i need something that can...
  2. vikkiangelic

    2 Week old chick now cannot stand

    Hello, im hoping someone can help! Ive got two hatched chicks in my brooder, one male one female. they are now 2 weeks old. two days ago the female started to hobble and fall over a lot, now she scant even stand.She was completely fine before. When i pick her up her legs just dangle, one moves...
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