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  • Users: Baby Chick
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Baby Chick

    Type with you EAR!!!

    vhjbgghg x deghlasjied rrbebwnw m,l.dewhwhdsoqp29 ndu12onhsjsss,.kwesj1 2ehih1 jhbxs j!aq2aq!@Q@@@#WXDFgg 2u7u/. So the goal is to type everything you say with your ear, then rewrite what you meant to say underneath!
  2. Baby Chick

    Baby Chick's YOUTUBE Chat Thread! :):)

    I have been thinking about starting a youtube account this summer & I just want to hear from other people how to start & get subscribers & blah blah blah. But I also wanna talk about stuff like who is your favorite youtuber? And share funny videos we've seen!!! OK GOOOO!!!!!!
  3. Baby Chick

    Talent ?

    So lately I have been thinking about how people share their talents to help others. I thought maybe some people here would like to share their talent to cheer people up! So for example if you draw, post your last picture. If you knit show us the most recent thing you made. Maybe some can even...
  4. Baby Chick

    I'm Back :)

    Hey to any of my BYC friends who might be reading this! Sorry I was gone so long, a lot has happened. I have lost some of my chicken friend but have gained other furry friends who you can see in my siggy. My computer got a virus a while back & still isn't in the greatest shape but its some what...
  5. Baby Chick

    Christmas Cookie Recipes? Help!

    So every year my church has a Christmas Cookie Walk to raise money. The trouble is EVERY year they run out of cookies!!! My friend and I are having a sleep over the night before the drop off to make tons of cookies. We would like some really good Christmas cookie recipes, not cookies you could...
  6. Baby Chick

    Christmas Cookie Recipes? Help!

    So every year my church has a Christmas Cookie Walk to raise money. The trouble is EVERY year they run out of cookies!!! My friend and I are having a sleep over the night before the drop off to make tons of cookies. We would like some really good Christmas cookie recipes, not cookies you could...
  7. Baby Chick

    Christmas Cookie Recipes? Help!

    So every year my church has a Christmas Cookie Walk to raise money. The trouble is EVERY year they run out of cookies!!! My friend and I are having a sleep over the night before the drop off to make tons of cookies. We would like some really good Christmas cookie recipes, not cookies you could...
  8. Baby Chick

    Random Talents

    Uhhh so hi!!!!! I'm Livv and my main talents are acting, singing, and dancing. What are some of your talents? Post a pic or a video here. I would love for you to share!!! (I will post a video or something of me soon)
  9. Baby Chick

    Halloween costumes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok so I'm super excited to see what everyone was for Halloween! The only reason I'm doing this after Halloween is because most people have taken picture already. So below post a pic of you in your costume & tell us what your are! Me as a Glamour/ Goth/ Punk/ Sexy Witch! Ans this is my...
  10. Baby Chick

    Ghost Talk

    Well since we are getting closer to my favorite holiday I figured we should get in the mood! Sooo how about we tell some ghost stories & creep each other out a bit! Or just talk about Halloween & things that go bump in the night! I love this stuff! <3 So who here believes in ghosts?????
  11. Baby Chick

    Baby Chick Chat Thread, Where The Chicks Chat!!! :)

    Well? What are you waiting for? You know what to do!
  12. Baby Chick

    The Flaming Fire Cult~~*RP*~~ NEED CHARACTERS!!!

    Its the late sixteen hundreds and you are a witch or warlock in The Flaming Fire Cult. You live among mortals in Dead Wood, MA. Upon the night of the full moon once a month is when the Cult comes together. The meetings are held in the wood infront of a abandoned cabin. This is when there are...
  13. Baby Chick

    Whats Your Favorite Color Poll?

    I really can' answer this cuz mine always changes haha. :) If your favorite color isn't on here then just comment what it is. Coolio!
  14. Baby Chick

    Girly Girls Only Chat Thread!!!!

    Are you a girly girl? Cool then start chatting!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Baby Chick

    Green Friends Thread!

    Are you going green this year or want to learn how!? Come here! Everyone can share ways of getting green and helping the earth! We all have different ideas & plans so lets share them. Have a website you want to share with more info? Great! you can even do things with chickens to help! So lets...
  16. Baby Chick

    Smashed Egg, Smashed Dreams....

    So this is the story of the other night. My sister and I, went out to put the goats in for the night. I go to check for eggs and there, in the nesting box, is a small egg. I had seen one of our younger hens that we got back in April sitting in the box earlier! Yes! It was our first egg from our...
  17. Baby Chick

    Fall Fun! <3 *********

    Fall is my favorite Season EVER!!!! What are some things you like to do in Fall?
  18. Baby Chick

    *The Hunger Games RP*

    Ok so this is for all my fellow Hunger Games fans!!! I love it! This RP is exactly like the games ounce they are in the arena. Once we have 12 "Tributes" we will start on the platforms. In this there can be a limit of 5 people from one district. Anyone may join at anytime in the games but they...
  19. Baby Chick

    Pumpkin Harvest!? Help!!!

    So this is kinda a funny story. Ever since my parents gave me a little garden about 4 years ago I have tried growing pumpkins. Every year! But they never grew. So now, about 3 feet away from my garden (which I did not plant anything in this year) is a pumpkin plant. I found it in July & there...
  20. Baby Chick

    Roosting Problem, Help!

    We have 11 pullets that we got back in April as chicks. They are currently free ranging and living in a flock with the rest of the hens. When we moved them into general population about a month ago, we locked them up inside the coop alone for 1 day so they would know thats where they go at...
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