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  1. Grizzly Mills

    Our First-Year Redneck Backyard Hawk Deterrent Disco Cone!

    So, winter's here and everything's finally winding down around our place. We had a fantastic first summer with our girls, 4 beautiful Buff Orpingtons we got as chicks back in late February. They had fun helping dad in the garden, chasing cabbage moths and scratching out earthworms. Anyway, I...
  2. Grizzly Mills

    Please Help! Chick w/weird vent- 2 holes side side??

    This is our first time with chickens so any information will be greatly appreciated. We got 4 buff orpington chicks last Saturday (march 25th), and they're all eating and drinking very well. 3 of the 4 are growing like weeds and strutting around with new feathers. The 4th one just isn't...
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