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  1. alexandherpets

    What gender?

    It's a silkie and I know they are almost impossible to tell until they crow or lay an egg, but this one that I kept seems to be growing pretty fast, and is flying and jumping around his or her temp cage quite a bit. Maybe you know or can take a good guess to what gender?
  2. alexandherpets

    Need help determining the gender of this chick

    I hatched three eggs that hatched early this morning ( paint silkies) and one actually hatched black with white streaks through his or her feathers. He or she has a white chin so I was wondering if that could have any bareing on it's gender? So far it seems to be the calmest chick out of all of...
  3. alexandherpets

    Help sexing these day olds

    I have three turkens that hatched, and I believe one is a female but I'm not sure about the others. Is there a way to know with this specific breed? They hatched this morning. Also, they hatched on the 19th day , with the 20th day being at 5 o'clock today. Should I have seen pips from the other...
  4. alexandherpets

    New to incubation

    I find different answers all over the place, but i was just wanting to ask you all out there from personal experience. I am new to the incubation process, and have two incubators at the moment (both in use). I was wondering about the humidity of the incubator. I am constantly checking on the...
  5. alexandherpets

    18 days to go!!

    Im so excited!!! I have 18 days to go until (not to jinx anything) the chickies hatch!! This is my first time incubating chicks. The suspense is killing me. I have about 30 eggs right now. 12 are Turkens, and the rest are swedish flower hens. IM TOTALLY PSYCHED! Ive seen a lot of chicks...
  6. alexandherpets

    Incubator help

    Im having a hard time trying to find a good incubator. Im worried about some that are made with styrofoam, and im worried about the prices too. Im willing to spend around 150 but i rather spend less obviously. I still want a good one that can incubate atleast 15 eggs, has a fan, has an automatic...
  7. alexandherpets

    Turken help and info please :)

    How big are turken (naked neck) eggs? i heard they are big, but how big would you say? such as the width and height? i cant seem to find this info anywhere!! Also, How big are they when they hatch usually? again, cant find this info anywhere. Other than those two questions, do you have any...
  8. alexandherpets


    Hey everyone! im going into college soon, and i think ive decided upon my major---Agriculture. I have been going crazy looking into internships that i think could benefit me with no such luck :( I want to make sure that before i go into the poultry business (even if its super small) i absolutely...
  9. alexandherpets

    Keeping a secret in the bedroom..A clucky chicken!

    For almost 2 years now, all ive been wanting is a pet chicken, not just any chicken, but a Silkie chicken in which i would keep indoors with a diaper. Theres only one problem though--My mother has no clue! Im not out of high school yet, but will in a year. Thats not the half of it, because im...
  10. alexandherpets

    What is the daily treat routine for your indoor/outdoor chicken(s)?

    I was trying to come up with some ideas, because i have a month old chick now and im deciding on what sort of things are a good daily treat. I know there is a certain amount or certain food groups that should be included. So here is my post to ask all of you what (and how much of it) daily...
  11. alexandherpets

    Im new to being a chicken owner, and im not sure how to determine the gender of my chicken.

    Hey everyone! i recently purchased a Silkie chicken from a local farmer, however it was straight run, so im no sure whether its a hen or rooster. I do live in a neighborhood where i cannot own a rooster, so im hoping its a hen! Im keeping her as a pet, and so far within the 2 weeks of owning...
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